Chart hulls straight

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by andrei.andreica, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. andrei.andreica
    Joined: Jun 2016
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    andrei.andreica Junior Member


    where a can find the software that make a hydrostatic curves ?
    or who can told me if i make it right.
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    What do you need? :
    • drawing curves from values that have been previously calculated
    • Calculate values and then draw their curves
  3. andrei.andreica
    Joined: Jun 2016
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    andrei.andreica Junior Member

    This is a part of my degree project, i have a drawing of a container ship, i calculated all coefficients z,Aw,L,XF,,V,D,XB,ZB,ix,iyF,r, R after that i maked in AutoCad hydrostatic curves.
    know: i need to create scale depending on draft
    and i don't know if everything is make right, maybe exist software for i can check it?
    ''for example i calculated ship resistance with holtrop.mannen in Excel and after that to check it i introduced my values in different software ,freeship,delf,...
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  5. andrei.andreica
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    andrei.andreica Junior Member

    hydrostatics curves

    oo thank you very much!
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Sorry Andrei but with Excel data table I can not do much. It would be too laborious to translate and interpret data. Could you send a body lines plan in AutoCAD?
  7. andrei.andreica
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    andrei.andreica Junior Member

    here is it

    Attached Files:

  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Hi Andrei, these are the results I get: values and curves. I also attached the 3D model used.
    I hope you find them useful.
    For inquiries, if you do not mind, use my email:

    P.S. : Coordinates origin situated in your frame zero at baseline.

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  10. andrei.andreica
    Joined: Jun 2016
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    andrei.andreica Junior Member

    big thanks!! i gonna use hydrostatics in my calculations. thanks a lot, keep in touch
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