Changing outboard engine mount.

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by HCB66, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. HCB66
    Joined: Oct 2017
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    HCB66 Junior Member

    My 27 foot fiber glass sail boat has an outboard engine but it's mounted behind the transom. It basically has two transoms an interior one and an exterior one about 2 feet further out. There is a compartment between the two transoms with a hole just above the water line that the outboard sticks through to reach the water. I want to get the outboard out of that compartment and seal up that hole. Then I want to create a mount on the back of the boat , on it's actual transom that will swivel up and down to lower the outboard into the water. I'm thinking of things like maybe mounting a spring on the swiveling bracket that holds the outboard to make it easier to lift up or maybe using a small windlass or something. This hole is rectangular about 8 inches wide and a foot or so long, if I'm not mistaken. I'm wondering what the best technique is to cover it , it's a fiber glass boat from 1964.
  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I’ve seen some Homemade outboard lifts with a sliding mount, kind of similar to a jackplate.
    Sorry, I don’t have any pics, hope you get the concept anyway!
  3. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Something like this with a longer travel: C33638F0-D7CC-4707-B2B9-6B0182EEA8E4.jpeg
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    HCB, could you maybe post some photos of your boat with the current engine installation?

    There was 'method in the madness' of installing the engine that way originally - it should be more effective re delivering propeller thrust compared to being hung off the 'real' transom further aft where the pitching motion will be a lot more.
    And less chance of injuring your back reaching out over the stern rail to fit / take off the engine on the transom bracket.
  5. HCB66
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    HCB66 Junior Member

    My concern was that it will increase weight at the stern of the boat if I move it back there. Still the bulked they have installed that forms the back of the compartment is not done that well, the box the engine sits in isn't that great either and allows water to splash into the compartment and sit right in front of the back of the compartment with no way to drain it out or pump it out. Maybe A better box for the engine or something is a better idea. I'd like to hang my dinghy off the stern.
    This is how the boat is built basically. Boat engine mount.png
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Do you know what type or class the boat is?
    If you could post a photo or two as well as the sketch above, that would be very useful.

    You said "Maybe A better box for the engine or something is a better idea. I'd like to hang my dinghy off the stern."
    I think that something like this is a much better plan!
    Would it be feasible to install a little electric bilge pump to pump out the water that collects in the compartment forward of the aperture for the outboard motor?
  7. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

  8. HCB66
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    HCB66 Junior Member

    That's what I was thinking about but after reading about the reason the motor is mounted there I'm thinking of something different. I'm thinking of leaving it where it is and sealing the box it's in up. My idea is to make a water tight lid that seals to the motor shaft with epoxy , it has a gasket that will seal to the top of the box that fastens with clasps to make a water tight seal. If I want to pull the motor then I unclasp the cover and take it out with the motor. It basically makes a sail drive out of my outboard.
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