cavitate or hook-up

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by nine mile, May 5, 2014.

  1. nine mile
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    nine mile Junior Member

    not sure if this will work, have little information and went ahead with this recessed hull design i came up with in order to accommodate a 85 hp chrysler charger.the boat is only 16 ft. and was badly neglected. am putting her in the water tuesday, my wifes birthday. do i hope it floats so that the floor is level? the outboard will be installed. thank you captain.

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  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Hopefully you have left enough room for the outboard to swivel through it's full steering range, I can't see why you would have cavitation problems.
  3. PAR
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    Cavitation wouldn't be a concern, though I can see issues with ventilation in turn as a possibility. If the engine is mounted at the proper depth, you'll probably be okay, except in high speed turns, where some "suck down" might occur.
  4. nine mile
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    nine mile Junior Member

    I changed the transom angle by a few degrees and left the transom high so that the anti-vent plate is above the bottom by a inch. If i have to lower it hopefully the added hp will make up for drag. Have no idea what it was like before but fins were added tho the plate and my guess was that it was porposing. thanks for responding captain.
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Set the anti ventilation plate at the bottom of the boat as a starting point.
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    What do you mean, "hook up" ? I suppose it is possible at full steering lock the cav plate could catch the pod if you attempt to tilt the engine, but presumably it is all dimensioned to avoid it.
  7. nine mile
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    nine mile Junior Member

    Run on plane is all i meant, work well. Dimensioned it's not. As far as lining up the anti-vent plate with the bottom of the boat, that changes with the tilt angle. I realize there is only one way to find out if it was a bad idea to create a sort of outboard/inboard. With this forum as a tool I wish I had more boats to work on. Thank you Captain.
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    There is no reason why what you have done should not work in principle, assuming the motor has room enough. And the cav plate should be at the same level as the bottom, with the motor in the normal running position.
  9. nine mile
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    nine mile Junior Member


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  10. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Actually, I like this idea of pods (sealed, not open at the top) flanking the engine if beach launching a boat that lacks an engine well, it is possible to take quite a bit of water over the back if you stand the boat up and land that way, this idea should help avoid that.

  11. nine mile
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    nine mile Junior Member

    Hinged lids for the pods, thank you for that term by the way. I did sacrifice alot of real estate in the back.
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