Catwalk/anchor roller design

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by cookiesa, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. cookiesa
    Joined: Mar 2007
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    cookiesa Senior Member

    Hoping someone may have some drawings they have done around a roller setup to suit the modern anchors, on particular probably a delta. Main anchor will be a stockless style admiralty as they work well in our gulf with a delta or maybe Bruce as a second anchor.

    The anchor will be suspended below the front beam with the rode running through a catwalk back to the locker in front of the main beam. The catwalk will have opening panels and I'm thinking at the bow end will need a longer opening lid that can "knock" open as the anchor comes in to rest.

    The closest I have seen seems to run down at around 45 degrees approximately 300mm long with twin rollers, one at the end, the other the "pivot" point along the catwalk

    Catwalk is a semi circle (glass) with a flat top, and tramp tubing to be glassed down each side

    I have also considered just having slats running across the top of the catwalk rather than a solid timber/glass top to assist with grip when wet

    Any thoughts?
  2. luff tension
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    luff tension Junior Member

    Im doing a similar exersize right now and can't find a lot of info. All I've found so far is a couple of pictures to work everything out from. This looks like a nicely worked solution.

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  3. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben


    I might be stating the obvious but have you asked the anchor manufacturer?
  4. cookiesa
    Joined: Mar 2007
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    cookiesa Senior Member

    Therin lies the problem, I'd like to not make it to specific if that makes sense..... nothing worse than needing to replace a relatively ( ;) ) important item somewhere and what's available doesn't fit!

    My suggestion of delta etc was more in lines with the type of anchor, other than the roll over bar styles I'd think most styles would fit this design
  5. bscatam
    Joined: Mar 2016
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    bscatam Junior Member

    Study for my cat design.

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  6. cookiesa
    Joined: Mar 2007
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    cookiesa Senior Member

    That's where I was going... more looking at clearances and angles to allow the anchor shank to come up on to the rollers and tuck away

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