
Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by steve123, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. steve123
    Joined: Dec 2014
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    steve123 Junior Member

    Can anyone advise whats considered a safe height of the underside of catamaran between hulls. This is a 6 kt lake boat so not much in the way of waves etc, but i want to get this as low as possible for living space and keep the superstructure profile low as possible ?
  2. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Sailboat or powerboat?
    How much of a "living quarters"?
    How big? Length and width.
    Will you be willing to not go out on the lake when the wind is up?
  3. steve123
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    steve123 Junior Member

    Electric power, it's only a saloon area, LOA 12m...Beam 4.7m, with very limited electric power very unlikely to venture out when windy.
  4. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    A couple of feet should be enough, but that is just my imagination of what it might be like and what could happen if the weather comes up.

    Will you have sufficient power to drive against wind and waves to get out of the weather?
  5. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    We had a Gemini 105 in the shop a couple of weeks ago so I took the opportunity and measured from the lowest point of the bridgedeck to the scum line (actual waterline) and got a whopping 5". Far from acceptable imho but they do sail in bigger waters than you are planning and get away with it. with 12m you should have no problem achieving 600mm or so without getting out of proportion.
  6. Gus7119
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    Gus7119 Senior Member

    Bridge deck height for Cats

    Hey Stev there is a discussion about this if you do a search on this site. Otherwisd here is a page of heights thats is recommended by many experts. It mainly depends on length. But if its a lake boat it should be fine to go a little lower these are heights for an offshore catamaran.
  7. Gus7119
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    Gus7119 Senior Member

    Still workimg out how this forum works but have posted this link in this topic about heights by experts for u

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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    You will need at least enough clearence so when anchored out , and the wind makes waves they do not smash into the wing area constantly.

    The noise will drive you nuts and with only electric power you may be stuck for a week.
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