Catamaran Trawler hull profile

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Archive, Jun 12, 2001.

  1. Archive
    Joined: Jun 2001
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    Archive Senior Member

    Will anyone suggest an optimal hull profile for a catamatan trawler type cruising boat? I'm looking for 8-16kts from a 32' 5000lb disp boat. There seems to be a lot of opinions about higher speed cat hulls out there, but I haven't seen anything in this sizes/speed range.
  2. Archive
    Joined: Jun 2001
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    Archive Senior Member

    I'm not sure what you mean by a "trawler type". To me 5000 lbs on 32' seems too light to be considered a "trawler".
    Any designer of sailing cats should be able to come up with a good hull for the speed range you have in mind - and I think the hulls from a Gemini 105 might suit your needs though perhaps the center of gravity should be moved aft just slightly in making it a power cat, which the insallation of a larger engine will probably do.

    I'm working on a new semi-displacement monohull hull shape: is that something that would interest you?

    If you're wedded to the catamaran idea you might check out this link:

    New York designer Dave Gerr has experience related to what you're asking, as does New Zealander Malcolm Tennant, the Crowther design firm in Australia, and Duane Branch in the Virgin Islands.

    Stephen Ditmore
    New York
  3. Archive
    Joined: Jun 2001
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    Archive Senior Member

  4. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    PDQ MV/32

    Perhaps the boat you're looking for does exist. Check out and look for info on the PDQ MV/32.:cool:
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    A couple of years ago I did a preliminary design for a client that matched the parameters that you have stated. He couldn't finance the project, so it has languished since then. If you would like to converse further on this topic, contact me at

  6. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

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