Catamaran cruiser rear steps --A bit much

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Cat Cruiser, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Cat Cruiser
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    Cat Cruiser Junior Member

    Almost every contemporary Cat yacht design is using up about 14' of rear hull for steps down to the water, for Jaws to jump up and gobble the pretty girls up, Or for Jolly Roger to easily sneak on deck unseen in the middle of the night with his cutlass - or worse an a-k. I wouldn't waste this space like this, its way too inviting for strangers to think they are welcomed onboard.
  2. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    designers respond to what their customers want. this might be a trend that is occurring because more and more retired senior citizens wanting to cruise in a cat rather than the traditional monohull, and find they want an easy way down to the water.

    I agree with you, I hate wasting space on a boat. But I know if my wife had any say in it, she would want the stairs. So I do not always get my way.
  3. 805gregg
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    805gregg Junior Member

    Or to gain interior storage area and longer waterline length
  4. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Those steps look attractive on boat shows and in catalogs. Mostly useless at sea as there are no handholds...
  5. Grey Ghost
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    Why not fit two large rails?
  6. Cat Cruiser
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    Cat Cruiser Junior Member

    AAye matie, humpin to get the new models ready for the show. I remember those times
  7. tomas
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    tomas Senior Member

    How about a 44 meter Cat with super-sized steps?

  8. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    I like steps on cats

    Around here the steps seem to take up about 10-12% of the overall length..... although on plenty of cats.... the steps are an add on.... & have stuff like for steering the vessel under them.... & are pretty good for getting in & out ov the water & dinghy from having to do fun stuff like snorkeling, freeboarding, landing a juicy fish, making the boat look stretched out & racy & stylish.
    I think I like steps on cats a lot, they're cool, like boarding platforms & marlin boards on a cruiser/game boat, the back verandas that cats have & the loungeroom between the hulls are really cool too, white gelcoat is cool too, just some of the stuff I like, maybe there's a facebook page for them, I might go & look................
    Not havin a go, if you don't like em don't have em:)
  9. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    How about a nice fold-able/collapsible system of 'stair'(not ladder) shaped ladder steps(with hand rails/ropes) with some nice soft pads that wont ruin the gel coat?

    I'm thinking it would be almost 'universal' with just adjustment(cut common aluminum/pvc pipes to length once when first fitting to your boat) on the lower horizontal braces to fit various transom slopes. If you put in on a different boat you got 50-50 chance of needing to buy 2 1.5" X 1/8"(wall) 6ft long aluminum pipes to lengthen, rather than shorten.

    Normally it would ride folded up snug against the transom when doing serious sailing to prevent it from catching "big water" and/or to save "per foot" charges at the marina.

    Since it would be roughly 45 degrees out from roughly vertical transom, at anchorage and calm cruising you could storage odds and ends in the framework, such as PFDs, paddles or even whole kayak stuffed in crosswise and sticking out on both ends.

    I'm thinking about 3 sizes and prices from about $400-$900 for a bunch of aluminum poles and some PVC steps and bit of hardware and rope and pads.
  10. tspeer
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    tspeer Senior Member

    You guys are way off base. Multihulls have to be kept light, and the steps are a clever way for designers to keep the owners from stashing too much stuff in the sterns of the boat!
  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I don't know, Tom: From Hemispheres charter company:

    Hemisphere's decks and rig are remarkably uncluttered as visible deck hardware has been minimised and the 58m (190ft) high mast soars free of spreaders with all lines run internally. Tenders are also stowed out of sight and the port transom houses a full watersports and dive locker served by a large hydraulic swim platform.

    Oh, well......

  12. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Yachts moor stern too. Designers spend much effort to make the stern profile visually attractive. The bottom step is to low and has no camber . Its will always be wet with wave wash
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