Catalina Capri 22 fix keel & rudder foil shapes

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Howlandwoodworks, May 19, 2024.

  1. Howlandwoodworks
    Joined: Sep 2018
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    Howlandwoodworks Member

    I have some friends that are reshaping or fairing a Catalina 22 capri keel and rudder and have added a bowsprit.
    Does anyone know what the foil shapes were on their keel and rudder originally? I think they are using some offset patterns they found on line.
    As for the bowsprit I am assuming it is for an asymmetrical spinnaker maybe or lager headsail. But am afraid to ask how all that will work with racing rules and bylaws or how to calculate the add sail area. Because I fear falling down another rabbit hole but not smart enough stay away from the edge.
  2. Howlandwoodworks
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    Howlandwoodworks Member

    I can't decide if Gary Mull is rolling over in his grave or happy to see them having such fun with his design.
    Bowsprit is adjustable and the keel is being reshaped but they haven't said to what shape.
    Does the asymmetrical spinnaker generates that much more lift than a genoa on 22' LOA?
    With a displacement of 2150 lb. could the crew weight adjust the center of lateral displacement (CLR) enough?
    They have the deck back on so we will see how it preforms soon.

    bajansailor and Tops like this.
  3. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    I can't offer any advice but am watching with interest, hope to meet up with some C22 people later this summer.
    If the bowsprit does not work out, the nacelle would make a great t-shirt cannon... :D

  4. Howlandwoodworks
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    Howlandwoodworks Member

    I think this will work out well because I have sailed with them in a strong breeze 25-31 mph before on there Tartan 28. One of them is a professional headsail trimmer. A lot of times the most important part of the equation in small light weight craft can be the sailor more that the sailboat. A Broach would be the only thing I would be worry about but I have been very close to that with them before. Inland lakes where I do most of my sailing are notorious for wind direction shifts without warning.
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