caroline sport fishing yacht

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by adriano, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. adriano
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    Location: italy

    adriano Senior Member

    Hi there,
    Could anybody suggest source, source to purchase existing , design plans, vaccum infusion,
    ( tuna tower, tuna door etc) for classic sport fishing boat of 40-50 feet loa?
    I would appreciate any suggestion.
    Many thanks in advance
  2. jehardiman
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    There are several boatbuilders on Harker's Island, or just call Jarrett Bay Boatworks (252-728-2690).
  3. adriano
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    adriano Senior Member

    Appreciate your suggestion Jehardiman,
    I already got in touch with them and hope to get some feed back this coming week, Let's see
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