Carolina skiff- j16- new floor and need help with leveling/fairing

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by CaptTator, May 18, 2024.

  1. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The normal process is to install the deck and then pour the foam. I fills the cavities and cures with higher density due to the compression. The easy way to fix it is to cut enough foam to leave at 1 1/2" gap below the deck. Then pour a batch of foam to fill the gap. The foam must be poured at the low spot and holes at the high end will let the air and surplus foam exit. There should be foam coming out of the holes or the gaps are not filled.
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  2. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    But did you see his picture of the somewhat bizarre way that Carolina compartmentalized the foam between deck and bottom skin? Therein lies the problems with reconstruction..
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  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Not a huge fan of either approach. The thing about plastic cores is they are rather difficult to get leakproof in the application you are choosing. Same with the 1” plug. You want about 1/8” glue margin for the thickened resin.

    And to make matters more complex, I see pvc tubes, no? Epoxy does not stick well to pvc. Rather poorly actually. The one thing that sticks well to pvc is black mamba fhg. The pvc needs to be taken out if you are going to use epoxy. Please trust me. I’ve tried many ways and they all failed.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Yes, you would make a hole on one side to pour foam and one on the other to let the air and surplus foam out. Then trim the foam and fiberglass over the deck.
  5. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    yes but...for a dozen such "compartments"... I might go that route though.
  6. CaptTator
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    CaptTator Junior Member

    Honestly- if I had the time and money- idve put in 3x3 stringers. It's only 3in deep: so that would give you a lovely floor that basically self leveled- then screw your decking of choice to it.
  7. CaptTator
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    CaptTator Junior Member

    Hey! Sorry I'm so late with the reply!

    -those are pvc wire conduit for controls - but I decided to glass in decking over it- so the pvc only sticks up through the floor for wiring/motor controls!
  8. CaptTator
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    CaptTator Junior Member

    Hey man!
    Did the plug idea. How do I prep the outside to have a piece of thin glass put over it? Here's what I've done :

    left a 1/8th gap for epoxy thickened to peanut butter-

    do I need to go wider on my sanding?

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  9. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Is the gray glass or gel?

    You need to be down to glass. Then I prefer to fill such a hole with smallest first csm patches. Tear them, not scissor cut. Use maybe 3 pieces of csm. The smallest piece needs to go over the old glass, not gel.

    That is enough grinding if the gray is glass.

    Epoxy might not be best if you want to gelcoat.
  10. CaptTator
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    CaptTator Junior Member

    Im going oil based paint (duck boat),

    and the grey is glass!
  11. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    If you are painting, just use epoxy. And don’t pay attention to naysayers, just get some csm and do 3-6 layers smallest to bigger until the tapered hole is almost filled; it works nicer for this sort of thing..if the hole gets an qir pocket; just stop and remove the piece with the air pocket and do the repair in two steps after the first piece cures; you may find it easier to use a little thickened epoxy putty before adding the rest of the patch
  12. CaptTator
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    CaptTator Junior Member

    Gotcha! I'll get it done today and report back with pictures!
  13. CaptTator
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    CaptTator Junior Member

    Well- I got the pucks in . Dunked them in resin and fit them. Then I used thickened epoxy to fill it (completely forgot to throw in my chopped glass), so tomorrow ill go back over it with chopped, and then a layer of glass mat
  14. CaptTator
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    CaptTator Junior Member

    Thoughts? (Go easy as this is the first time I've ever done this)
    -epoxied in
    -mixed cabisol (NASTY STUFF)
    -mixed in chopped fibers
    - then lightly filled that hole,

    next is to let it kick,
    Sand with 250 -

    and then glass mat over it,

  15. CaptTator
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    CaptTator Junior Member

    *images of holes I forgot*

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