Canoe inboard motor 6.5Hp Long Tail Indor

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by SCHWIMMWANNEN, May 24, 2013.

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    SCHWIMMWANNEN Junior Member

    Hi all.I'm Polish and poorly know English-very sorry.
    I am building a wood strip canoe boat with a long tail and a 6.5 hp.
    This is a little unusual technical solution because of the long tail is docked on a permanent basis and has a chance to move only up and down.
    and here's a link to a Forums Canoe where all construction stages showed Canoe.

    Here is a link to a video of the design and construction of kanu.

    First try ditching-kanu with an internal combustion engine



    New Long Tail

    Logo CANOE
    Last edited: May 28, 2013
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  2. srimes
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    srimes Senior Member

  3. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Very nice looking canoe shows first class workmanship. Trailer setup not so good.

    Six and one half horsepower seems excessive. The canoe will probably be stable enough without the inconvenience of the ama, especially if the seats are moved to a lower elevation.
  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    First, congratulations on a successful build.

    I hope it was a fun exercise, but I have trouble figuring out the purpose of spending a huge amount of time making a beautiful shape hull, then putting that kind of engine on it.

    You are now encumbered with a permanent long metal appendage, limiting maneuvering , which is the prime reason for the curved and graceful hulls.

    You have a motor big enough to drive a flat bottom planing hull at much greater speeds than a curved displacement hull can sustain.

    Its hard to think of the advantages of this kind of boat configuration.
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    SCHWIMMWANNEN Junior Member

    Kanu is designed so that the family swim up a shallow river with a motor and then down the river to flow with the oars.
    The river is shallow with sand on the bottom and the trend is not very fast.
    This river is Pilica in Poland.
    Kanu will take the helm of the side between the swimmer stabilization and canoes.
    In addition, the float will be disconnected from Teleflex helm at the end of long tail.
    6.5 hp power is needed to manage the canoe could sail up the river which reaches about 7km/ha canoe should reach 15km / h
    Kanu is not yet finished, it is painted, there are no seats to be weaved with technorattanu.
    I wonder how much it cost to your country by the canoes of wood and Tatajuba Samba?

    Long tail can detach in two minutes with a hole close to the long tail.
    I can swim without a long tail down the river and up assuming long tail.
    Pilica River is not so much that long winding tail protruding from the back of the canoe disturbed.
  6. Outlaw45
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    Outlaw45 Senior Member

    why do folks come on to someone's post and say it won't work or too much power when they don't know what they are talking about, have never done it? they should learn the facts before they open their mouths. oh nice build.

  7. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Because boats work the same way all over the world, and physics is the same everywhere.

    I could think of 4 other configurations that would work better, cheaper and provide more carrying capacity than this one.

    Why don't you quote some 'facts' yourself and tell us how it 'works'
  8. Outlaw45
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    Outlaw45 Senior Member

    I didn't open my mouth about this, you did, and not knowing what it is or used for. go look it up and figure it out yourself. I don't have to tell you.

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    SCHWIMMWANNEN Junior Member

    When building a canoe guided by the following priorities:
    1) Engine built - the possibility of buildings and mute the engine.
    2) Canoe has to look like a canoe - categorically did not want to do the transom (clipped the back of the canoe)
    3) Kanu has a swim in very shallow water - low water level ON THE RIVER!!:!:
    4) Long Tail can be detached and swim canoe paddles only
    5) I did not want to while swimming on the engine - hovered front (bow) canoe
  10. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    No, you opened your mouth, and if you cant see the problems, you dont have much experience or knowledge to criticize my criticism.

    I have no objection to people building what they want, for how much they want. I reckon its great that they show the pictures, and discuss the experience.

    We could all tiptoe around and say 'nice work', or we can ask why ? I am willing to put my reasons down so you can be sure that I am not just being a killjoy.

    Now, SCHWIMMWANNEN, please dont be offended, I have a lot of respect for your efforts and results. I am not wanting to treat you badly, just discussing the design as a professional exercise.

    Lets go over the logic for a bit of mental exercise.

    "When building a canoe guided by the following priorities:
    1) Engine built - the possibility of buildings and mute the engine.
    I am not totally clear on this point - maybe you mean you want a four stroke for quieter operation ?

    2) Canoe has to look like a canoe - categorically did not want to do the transom (clipped the back of the canoe)
    Sure - a personal preference, but canoe hulls are designed for a special purpose, efficient propulsion at slow speed, smaller canoes light enough to portage around bad sections of the river - they are not optimal for engines at the stern.

    3) Kanu has a swim in very shallow water - low water level ON THE RIVER!!
    Yes, thats what a longtail drive is for thats true. But, to mount it down in the hull, so you have to knock a hole through the stern is really strange. Look at most longtails, they are mounted up high to provide easy control, good maneuverability . Yours doesnt look like it will have either. Is that a rudder at the end of the tail ? Trying to use the rudder to steer 6 feet out from the stern is unusual.

    4) Long Tail can be detached and swim canoe paddles only
    Most smaller longtails can do that, but very few have to plug the hole afterwards.

    5) I did not want to while swimming on the engine - hovered front (bow) canoe "
    I will need this explained.

    Now lets go over the other 'design feature'

    You have had to add the performance reducing outrigger to cope with the instability of the narrow canoe hull with a big metal blob at the stern.

    So, why dont you make the longtail with a smaller engine, and mount it on the rear beam where you can operate it properly ? You can never use a motor safely on such a narrow hull without the outrigger, so take advantage if the configuration to get the longtail up where it belongs.

    That is the basis for my reservations. I am happy to discuss my opinions calmly and logically.
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    SCHWIMMWANNEN Junior Member

    1) Engine built - the possibility of buildings and mute the engine.
    I am not totally clear on this point - maybe you mean you want a four stroke for quieter operation ?

    The engine will be in wooden box-wooden box-cover from the top-the silent!!!!!

    rudder at the end of the tail ?

    jes ! So rudder + teleflex at the end of the long tail and rudder between the swimmer and allow canoe

    the smaller engine on the side of the canoe? NO! Canoe 3-4 passenger to fly up the river!A copy of the Honda GX 200 6.5 hp-carry-on weight smaller Honda GX 160 carry-on weight 4.5 Hp;(

    wooden Chamber in which mounted the engine
  12. Outlaw45
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    Outlaw45 Senior Member

    schwin, nice build, glad ya build what ya want. you don't have to answer why you build what you did. it works for you and that's what counts. I am sure you know what you are doing.
    some folks think they know better, maybe they do, who cares. sure you could of done something different maybe better, but it works for you and that's all that matters. you posted what you did, you didn't ask for opinions, but someone will always give you what maybe is better. that's good in their view. be proud of what ya built.
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    SCHWIMMWANNEN Junior Member

    In Poland on the forums also met me such criticism.
    I don't care about it:)This canoe meets my needs.
    With preferences (taste) is like a anus-each has its own taste (liking) and anus:)
    All my assumptions are met in this project.
    This is a canoe for the specific conditions on the water very shallow water.
    Thank you for your kind words and cheers of Polish.

    Here's a video on what the river canoe will swim.

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  14. Outlaw45
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    Outlaw45 Senior Member

    looks like a nice place and ya all are havin fun. I approve of your build and understand your need. take care.


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    SCHWIMMWANNEN Junior Member

    The End Canoe

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