Cannot identify my boats maker.. help!?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by rgouette, Jul 23, 2021.

  1. rgouette
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    rgouette Junior Member

    I cannot find out who the maker is of this boat, that I was told was an O' Day.
    I'm pretty new to this, so....
    Pictured is the original sail, as well as a shot of the foredeck.
    She's 14 feet in length, and 5.5 feet in beam
    (I thought it might be a Gannet 14, but someone else said "Transom is different and the Gannet photo boats have a splash guard across the forward deck"

    Here's the original mainsail & foredeck logo:

    Many more pics here that would aid in ID'ing this boat..
    REALLY appreciate any help!
  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Welcome to the forum.
    Did you find the number on the hull? That would help us identify the manufacturer. Look along the stern area just below the gunnels and across the transom near the top.
  3. rgouette
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    rgouette Junior Member

    Howdy, and thanks.
    Sadly, there are no markings/plates on the hull.
    I even tried doing a rubbing in case something was buried under paint or...something
    Someone elsewhere told me that because there's no HIN, it's likely a pre- 1962 boat.. not sure if that's 100% or not
    Oh, I should add, I found a stamp of sorts located under the deck:
    "ASTRON 8 74"
    I took that leaning over the starboard side & pointing the camera up & toward starboard..
    You should be able to see it here

  4. rgouette
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    rgouette Junior Member

    hoytedow, I recvd an emai lthat you replied to the thread, but I'm not seeing it here.
    You said: "Could "ASTRON" be part of "GLASTRON"?"
    I'm doubting it only because the "ASTRON" is printed so clearly, with no sign of another letter or letters..
  5. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    When I saw the photo that you provided I deleted the Glastron question as I knew it was irrelevant.
  6. rgouette
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    rgouette Junior Member

    ahh gotcha, thanks
  7. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    It says Astron 8 47 Not 8 74

    This is the most comprehensive list of sail insignias that I have seen "Sailboat Logos Version 111905" but I don't see yours in there. But, my internet connection is really bad and a lot of the images simply did not load.

    There was a company in 1973 named Astron Industries That made a sailboat called a Scat. Their Manufacturers Id code was ASN. If the boat has one the HIN would be in the upper right corner of the transom or on the right side of the boat at the gunwale just forward of the transom. However the one photo I found had the HIN on the left side.

    But Oday did make a 14 foot board boat similar to a sunfish, called a Viking. Obviously the symbol on the sail is a viking. But then It could be they just used a sail form a viking. Funfish / Viking By Oday ShortyPen Sailboat Guide
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Thanks, Ike.
    That logo is also in bass relief on the foredeck so it may well be the Oday boat. But why then would Astron be written there? I bet that hin is there where you suggested, waiting to be found, but faded and needing a closer look.
  9. rgouette
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    rgouette Junior Member

    Hi & thanks..
    The beam doesn’t match: mine is > a foot wider than the O Day here.
  10. bajansailor
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  11. rgouette
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    rgouette Junior Member

    I believe my son posted, in an effort to unravel this mystery...

  12. rgouette
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    rgouette Junior Member

    The mystery of this boat continues...
    I just removed the transom motor mount to look for anything... nothing but smooth paint.
    I did just snap a bunch of pics, of the undersides of the bow, gunwales, and stern areas, if anyone is interested.
    The Styrofoam is troubling me:
    1) When did Styrofoam come into usage aboard sailboats?
    2) What maker would ever leave it exposed as shown?

    My first sailboat! – The Goose Report
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