Can you identify this boat?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Muskie Marine, Sep 2, 2021.

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  1. Muskie Marine
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    Muskie Marine Junior Member

    Hi from Manitoba, Canada.

    Found an ad for a boat and the owner mustn't know quite what it is, and I've spent too many hours trying to figure it out. Hoping someone here might have some idea on what I'm interested in buying.

    The owner has listed it twice on - one ad he calls it a 1985, one ad it's a 1990. Both ads say it's a 26' Bayliner Cabin Cruiser, but I don't think that's right at all - looks like a cuddy cabin and no Bayliner that I've seen has looked like this in the range of 1985-1990. The arch looks to be after market. The pulpit, a bit suspect as well.


    Any assistance is appreciated!
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Kevin.

    Did you have a look for a serial number engraved on the transom? It should be on the starboard side, probably just under the hull / deck join.
    If there is a number there, could you post it here?
    The first few letters should give a clue as to who the Builder is.
  3. Muskie Marine
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    Muskie Marine Junior Member

    Thanks for the quick reply. I should have included that in my initial write up - as the boat is in another province I only have the 1 picture in the ad to go by. I've asked the owner for the serial number so I can do my own look-up to confirm maker and year, but he's not responding quick enough and I'm not sure how many more hours I can scan pictures on the internet! lol
  4. Ike
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  5. Muskie Marine
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    Muskie Marine Junior Member

  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

  7. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    thats why you need the Hull Identification Number. It will tell you the make and model year. Any legitimate seller will give you that info. If that is a registration number on the bow you can get the water cops to run a look up and they can tell you make, model and year
  8. Muskie Marine
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    Muskie Marine Junior Member

    Agreed... but still waiting for owner to respond to that ad. The ad just posted says it's a 1990, but the owner has a matching ad that says it's a 1985. So confusing! lol
    IF I get that Hull ID Number, I'll be able to get a good night's sleep, but that won't be tonight.
  9. Ike
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  10. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Get someone to run the registration numbers on the bow. Its a Canadian number.
  11. Muskie Marine
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    Muskie Marine Junior Member

  12. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    I used to work very closely with Transport Canada in my job with the Coast Guard. If they have no record of it then it has been sitting on the hard a long time and the registration was not renewed, or the numbers are not legitimate. I'd go with the first. Get a survey on it before even seriously considering buying it. The surveyor will tell you if it's a Bayliner or not, and what model and year it is. May look pretty on the outside but be trashed on the interior. My 72 Sea Ray was like that. It looked great outwardly but I had to completely rebuild the interior (but I knew that before I bought it)

  13. Muskie Marine
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    Muskie Marine Junior Member

    Sept 13/21 - Update... post closed

    Well, this boat will remain a mystery boat forever. I've gotten the hull serial number from the owner - ABMB0**IM78E - caused even more confusion as this says it's a 1978... not a 1985 or a 1990!

    That serial number turns out to be an Apollo brand boat, but they never made one with side windows like that or a pulpit with that railing. I just received a couple pictures and from the mold and headliner damage it'd appear the side windows were cut and added, thus why I can't identify it. The helm - no indication of the make either.

    Thanks all,

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