Can you determine the scantling of a Class40 in less than 2 minutes ?

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by Alan Cattelliot, Aug 26, 2023.

  1. Alan Cattelliot
    Joined: Jul 2021
    Posts: 511
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    Location: La Rochelle (Fr)

    Alan Cattelliot Senior Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I would like to present the tool that I've developped, to assess ISO compliancy of monohull & multihulls, with the ISO12215 standard.

    12215 ALIVE ! is a powerfull web app for assessment of Small Crafts with the standard ISO-12215 Design & Scantlings. The standard is translated into simple formulars, allowing a wide range of users, including manufacturers, designers, architects, professionals and non-professionals, to get their hands on this important standard.

    Use it in project meetings to get quick answers, use it during commercial discussions, use it anytime you have to demonstrate the compliancy of your product. If you are interested in using this software, please send me a private message, using this forum, so that we can identify your exact needs.

  2. Alan Cattelliot
    Joined: Jul 2021
    Posts: 511
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    Location: La Rochelle (Fr)

    Alan Cattelliot Senior Member

    Thanks Alik and Valber, the originality of this approach is to allow the use of images as input. In the example given in the video, I use images printed out of a Rhino CAD, but you can as well use simple pictures of hand drawings to do the job.

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