Can teleflex mechanical dual steering still have cables entering both ways?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Kodax, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Kodax
    Joined: Jul 2013
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    Kodax Junior Member

    My old teleflex dual steering box (is it called helm?) is broken.
    The arms on the rudders on my boat are mounted oposite to each other, meaning one arm must be pulled when the other is pushed.
    In my old steering box it was possible to enter the cables both ways.
    I am guessing the NFB 4.2 Rotary is equivallent of my old, but on pictures this have two bolts where the cabels enter and only one where the cables exit.
    Can I still switch one of the cables the other way?
    Should I pick one of the other models, or maybe Ultraflex or another company?

    Regards from stranded cat on vacation
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The first link is not working. It is very unusual that the tillers on both rudders are not connected together with a tie-bar. Can you post a photo of the rudders too?
  3. Kodax
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    Kodax Junior Member

    I can not get a good shot of the rudders, but they are not linked together.
    Here is picture of the steering box:

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  4. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    gees, that is antique, rip it out and put it in a museum mate.
    Teleflex have not made that for decades
  5. Kodax
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    Kodax Junior Member

    Oh yes, I have to rip it out, it is all broken inside after turning the wheel when one of the rudders was stuck:(
    The problem is I do not know what to replace it with, is Teleflex an option forme with my rudder configuration?
  6. Kodax
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    Kodax Junior Member

    Ah, this is not Tflex, it is Ultraflex! Does that make any difference, or are they the same?
  7. Kodax
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    Kodax Junior Member

    Maybe the Ultraflex T74NRFC is what I should get?
  8. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    It does work.

    It is what I have on my Skoota 28. However the manufacturers are reluctant to tell you how to do it. You can find out by going to the Gemini catamaran help pages and look for the link about how to change the cables.

    There is a trick to it. You have to fit one cable approx 40mm offset form the other.

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
  9. Kodax
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    Kodax Junior Member

    Is it one of the Clamp Blocks that should be offset to the other? I see that one of mine is maybe about that.
    Do you maybe have a link to that help page, I could not find any help pages on the Gemini site.
  10. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    I will email you a pdf later, right now I am away cruising on my Skoota 28 powercat and don't have the details with me

    Richard Woods

  11. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    As promised, I now attach the pdf showing how to change the cables

    Hope that helps

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs

    Attached Files:

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