Can someone please help me identify this boat? (HIN FGM Fiberglass Specialist)

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Thisiscainyo, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Thisiscainyo
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    Hello all I recently purchased this boat from a friend and he was under the assumption it was a regulator but after some research and actually speaking with regulator it in fact is not a reg. The boat was painted over the vin at one point but I was able to make out that it is a 1980 and that it appears to be a FGM HIN number starter. I discovered that it was a California based company that is no longer in business. I am not totally confident that it is this boat and would like to confirm this discovery. Can anyone provide me with any details or pics of one. Thanks much

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  2. Thisiscainyo
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    Here's another pic

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  3. Thisiscainyo
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    In water

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  4. Thisiscainyo
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    On trailer

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  5. Thisiscainyo
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    Another pic

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  6. Bglad
    Joined: May 2010
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    Bglad Senior Member

    Below is from the USCG web site:

    MIC: FGM Status: Inactive
    Company: FIBERGLASS SPECIALIST Company Official:
    Parent Company: Parent MIC:
    Address: 40 PT SAN PEDRO RD City: SAN RAFAEL
    State: CA Zip: 94901
    Country: Phone: 0000000000
    Fax: In Business:
    Out of Business: Wednesday, May 17, 1978 Date Modified:
    Type: Outboards, Open Motorboats, Jon Boats

    Additional Address:
  7. Thisiscainyo
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    I already did that search thanks anyway. Problem I am having is finding pictures of other existing models ect. I have googled and googled. Have not been able to come up with anything and its frustrating.
  8. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    No idea.

    But I would never stern anchor it!
  9. Thisiscainyo
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    Ya thanks Tom

  10. Thisiscainyo
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    Thisiscainyo Junior Member

    Anybody else?
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