1973 Feathercraft Aluminum Fishing Boat - sides curving in at the gunwale stability?

Discussion in 'Stability' started by tomsgonefishing, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. tomsgonefishing
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    tomsgonefishing New Member

    Hi everyone; :?:
    I'm new here and I have a question about the stability of a Feathercraft 16'
    Aluminum Boat because of the stern of the boat at the gunwale curving in at
    the top. It has a 1968 40 h.p. Johnson Outboard Motor and has a platform built in the boat with steering wheel and controls. It is in great shape for the year and has been kept in a garage. My friend who is very knowledgeable in boating and fishing said it wouldn't be very stable in ruff water because of the sides curving in at the gunwale. I would be using the boat fishing on inland lakes mostly, maybe in Saginaw Bay in Michigan here when the waves wouldn't be too high also. Is my friend right or would I be able to get by with this boat?
    Thank you and God bless you!
    Tom :)
  2. tomsgonefishing
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    tomsgonefishing New Member

    He also said that when there was four people fishing in the boat that
    you hardly felt the the boat move when someone moved in the boat.
  3. tomsgonefishing
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    tomsgonefishing New Member

    I don't have any pictures or serial number for this boat. It is on Craigslist
    in another state.
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