Can anyone identify this boat?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Flinky, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Flinky
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    Flinky New Member

    I have the chance of getting this sailboat for free, but am unsure what kind it is. Can anyone help me identify it please and whether it would be worth taking on as a restoration project? (this will be my first)

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  2. CutOnce

    CutOnce Previous Member

    Honestly? The cleaning products necessary are worth more than the boat. You are going to put hundreds into the trailer to be able to drag it off, and given the apparent condition, thousands into the boat. At the end of the day you'd have a slow, low value boat worth far less than your investment.

    This is just my opinion, but I've got some history buying old dogs and failing to teach them new tricks.

  3. Flinky
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    Flinky New Member

    CutOnce: Thanks for your advice, I am not sure what repairs are needed yet but I take it that it isn't as straight forward as a good pressure wash and a bottle of T-Cut in order to clean it?
  4. Saildude
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    Saildude Junior Member

    You need to be very careful with old neglected boats. I have friends that bought two different old neglected boats and it worked out OK, IF you did not count the maybe hundreds of hours cleaning. Mildew can get inside the boat and getting that out is very tough.

    The neglected with green stuff growing all over the outside was all they could afford. So yes it worked for them but they literally had to take everything out of the inside of the boat all the way down to what ever is tabbed to the hull - then each piece had to be cleaned at least twice (years of no attention can really take a toll on stuff). Also things can sort of grow into the boat and even cleaning things will not fix it and major refinishing was required.

    Caution Caution Caution. It works better if you have a place to store the boat other than a boat yard, lay days (daily storage) can kill any restoration project budget.
  5. CutOnce

    CutOnce Previous Member

    Might be a Newbridge Venturer 22'. You never know how bad things are till you pay a professional to investigate. Core could be rotted, keel bolts could be gone, the inside could have had fresh water sitting in it for years. All of the above are completely unfixable on a sensible budget.

    Even dragging to off and having a better look will cost more than I'd put on the table - because then you'd be liable for disposal fees. Save your money (and maybe a marriage).

  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    This might be it-bilge keels and a sheer line that is similar-hard to say for sure from that picture.
  7. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    It looks like it could be a Tucker design Doug, but the port is all wrong for a Ballerina.

    The photo makes it very difficult to tell the length, but it appears about 22'. I think it's more likely to be a Silhouette MK III, which is an ungraded version of Silhouette II (plywood built), built by Hurley in GRP (previous version built by Ferrier)
  8. Milehog
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    Milehog Clever Quip

    Why is it being given away? Could the cost of disposal be greater than it's value as scrap? If the keels are made with lead there may be some value there.
    Does it come with sails, motor, ground tackle, ect.?
    In addition to rotted cores and fasteners beware of the potential of toxic mold growing inside.
    It could be a viable project but you are on the right track asking questions before you commit yourself.
    Keep us posted.
  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I think you're right, Paul-especially looking very closely at the rudder and skeg. The Balerina has a transom hung rudder and OP's boat does not appear to. The keels look like slightly different angles but I'm afraid they have pushed into the hull on the original. Heres a picture compared with the original:
    click on image-

    L=Sil ; R= original

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  10. yasrkasem
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    yasrkasem New Member

    I think this boat is K20+ (Kingfisher UK Bilge keel) mostly looks like one i was thinking of purchase but I didn't.
    I read it's good built boats nice cabin design and good use of space. technical.htm
  11. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    ID Bilge Keel Boat

    Westerly model?

    I would add my mom's advice re some foods...if it does not smell right, leave it.
  12. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Don't think any of those fit...the cabin isn't right especially the forward portlights for the Silhouette and the after part doesn't look like the Kingfisher's. Of course there could have been some cosmetic changes in the models over time.
  13. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    ID Bilge Keel Boat

    I think DL hit it right. Look closely at the hull deck seam and the windows forward...look me.

    Still, I do not know if I would take it free...looks fairly messed.
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    You mean Paul got it right!

  15. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    ID Bilge Keel Boat

    Yes, my fail. Sorry...Paul dood it.
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