CAD involvement in boat design? Youtube VIDs? Please HELP

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by cturboaddict, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. cturboaddict
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    cturboaddict Junior Member

    Hey guys, im a second year CAD student, and im about to wrap up a degree in Computer aided drafting next year. My professor has asked me along with my fellow CAD students to do a presentation for a class of soon-to-be high school graduates.

    Apparently these students are coming in so that we can provide them with some information on "how CAD works in the real world".

    Now, one of my passions is boating, and im currently looking into other classes towards engineering so that i can continue to possibly work in the Marine world with my love... ;) So, I figured i would do a short presentation on that subject. What im looking for, is a video of CAD involvement in boat design. Something fun, that can keep interest of young minds and at the same time be semi informative and around 10min long at most.

    I know this is a far stretch, but Ive already put together a short powerpoint for the presentation. But Im having a bit of trouble finding a video that isnt just "This is how to make a boat in solidworks"..... Maybe something of a facility and its R&D department where the engineers and drafters work together?

    ANYHOW~~~ You guys got any ideas???
  2. cturboaddict
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    cturboaddict Junior Member

    Im guessing noone has any leads either??
  3. David White
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    David White Junior Member

    In the "Good reads" button on our web site you should find a story about one or two boat manufacturers that engineer, draft and also use cam software and cnc machines, all in close coordination with each other.
    try searching for Aluminium Dynamics in the search box
  4. David White
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    David White Junior Member

    by the way, on the same web site under routers/ship and boat building there should be a video that may have some relevance
  5. cturboaddict
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    cturboaddict Junior Member

    Thanks, Ill check that out as we have more kids coming into class next week again.

    The powerpoint/video presentation went over quite well. It can be refined, but i had the kids laughing and got their attention.

  6. nero
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    nero Senior Member

    Then click on the "Why TouchCAD for marine design" link. You probably want to email the owner/programer of TouchCad before using the video.

    And yes. TouchCad is very easy to learn. It has turned out to be extremely accurate for me. My hulls and other parts of the boats turned out very fair.
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