Cabo Rico Tiburon '36

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by mant29, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. mant29
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    mant29 New Member

    Hello all!

    I'm hoping to restart a discussion on the Tiburon 36 that were made in the 1970s. I believe the '36 footer had only 36 boats of it's kind made (wikipedia).

    My first question, is my boat a "Cabo Rico" or "Tiburon 36???

    in 1978, the first Cabo Rico '38 footer was created off the '36 foot mold. All my boat documents state Cabo Rico and/or Cabo Rico Tiburon '36.

    About me and my boat:

    I recently purchased a 1978 Tiburon '36 down in Panama. Unfortunately, my timing couldn't have been worse given the Pandemic occurring just after purchase.

    I'm currently in the U.S. and planning to return as soon as possible and will be upgrading the electronics and boat electric. Plan is to sail the Caribbean and to New England, then I'll go from there.

    Previous conversations I believe the surviving previous owner replied in 2006. The couple had a website and has much information about my boat, Landfall. Please check it out:

    I included a picture of my boat where it is now in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

    I look forward to hearing from other Cabo Rico / Tiburon owners and enthusiasts.

    -Mike IMG_0696.jpg
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2020
  3. Joyo
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    Joyo Tiburon 36 Hull#36

    Hi Mike,
    I realize this is an old thread, But i just now came across it. Hopefully, this will find you. We have conversed before on Cruisers Forum I think. I am SV Isabella there.

    I have a 1978 Cabo Rico Tiburon 36. Get the book Sailing Down the Mountain by Ben Harrison. He Built the first Cabo Rico 38 from the hull of the Tiburon 36 and wrote this book about it and Cabo Rico. It will answer a lot of your questions.

    Cabo Rico Bought-out Fibro Tecnica in 1976/77 and started making the CR 38 from the Tiburon 36 hull. So the 1977 and 1978 Tiburons were finished under Cabo Rico, same factory and workers. Mine is hull #36 and have been told it is the last Tiburon built. But I would like to confirm that.

    I have done a complete rehab of my Tiburon and posted a lot of the pictures here:

    I am familiar with LandFall and it's history. Look forward to sharing information.
    Jim Ulmer
  4. John28340
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    John28340 New Member

    Good afternoon,

    I am looking at a tiburon myself. I made an offer but it was not accepted yet. The boat i am looking at need the bulkheads in engine room replaced, bow sprit replaced, cockpit cubbies are rotted.

    I have an insurance survey, nothing else was overtly show stopping.

    Does anyone have an opinion on things to check specifically for the tiburon. Any suggestions on a price i should recognize as good deal?

    Just looking for general advice. I am planning on a project and want to keep the boat purchase within a cash budget.

    If anyone is interested in starting a conversation you can email me at

  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum John.
    How long ago was the insurance survey - and did it mention then the engine room bulkheads, bow spit and cockpit cubbies?
    Re a good deal - it is worth what you think it is worth to you personally.
    Are you sure that there are not any more major issues re bulkheads etc with the boat that you are interested in?
    How much are you offering?
    I hope it is very low, to take into account even just the work that you have already mentioned that needs doing.
  6. John28340
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    John28340 New Member

    Survey is less than a year old. Yes it mentioned the bulk heads, as i recall. I will have a very good marine survey done again if i get it under contract. The boat was repowered in 2008 with a yanmar. I did notice water in bilge. Broker said it is "wet bilge", not sure that i believe him, he was implying that it was designed to be wet. I suspect that wet bilge means something is leaking

    Offered mid teens. Slightly less than sellers asking price.

    Of course the whole thing needs painted.
  7. Mark buyer
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    Mark buyer New Member

    Hi John, Curious if you purchased the Tiburon and how things are going.

  8. John28340
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    John28340 New Member


    No I didn't. I don't particularly know what I want yet.

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