Bureau Veritas rules download

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by MikeJohns, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    RAR is like ZIP a compression mode, most decompresion prog.s can handle both. If yours cannot, download "7 zip" , is freeware handles them all.;)
  2. Willallison
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    Willallison Senior Member

    And me too please!
    Perhaps Jeff could add it to the spreadsheet archive or something, so that Prevaricat doesn't have to email to everyone...?
  3. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    Send me a copy when you get it....
  4. vinceUK
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    vinceUK Junior Member

    Hi all,

    This is not very original but if someone could forward it to me, this would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise maybe one should put a downlad link or something?

    Thanks by advance. Vincent
  5. Prevaricat
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    Prevaricat Junior Member

    Hi guys - I have not been on the forum for a little while, nor have I been collecting mail from my dedicated mail account so my apologies if anyone has mailed me for a copy and I seemed to be ignoring you - I was not....

    I do not have the files on this PC but will post them here this evening.


  6. Prevaricat
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    Prevaricat Junior Member

    Here it is

    Please find attached two files: a zip and a single pdf.

    RAR did not seem to be supported by Boat Design net so I have re-archived the files from BV in classic Zip format. This should be openable by any Zip capable utility but I have only tested the file in WinZip under Vista.

    The Zip file contains all the individual files from BV but with meaningful file names (the original file names were just alphanumeric strings if I remember correctly). The files are organised in three folders - which you will not see until the zip file is extracted. If you look at the page numbers for each file it looks as though a few pages are missing but it all seems to be here - and I assume these pages were left blank in the original doccument to allow for later additions.

    I have also included all the files concatenated into a single pdf - although Chapter 1 Section 3 (Doccumentation to be Submitted p73,4) is not included because the file returned an error when merging so I removed it. I will look into this later and repost the merged pdf if I can sort the problem - I have appended v1 to this file so it can be differentiated from any subsequent version.

    Please let me know if these files open for you, and if not I will retry...

  7. Prevaricat
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    Prevaricat Junior Member

    Me again!

    Boat Design net would not let me upload the .zip. It identified the file as a .rar - I may have used the Zip option in WinRar so that could be the problem but it seems unlikely. Anyway, I posted what I had so I did not have to type it all out again. I will try a different Zip utility and repost.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention - I am part way through creating a spreadsheet from these BV rules (as well as ISO DIS 12215-7) which I will put up when finished - although it might be some time!

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  8. yipster
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    yipster designer

    Andy, sounds good with renamed filenames so thanks and i'm patient :)
  9. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Thank you Andy, everything clear and visible!

  10. Prevaricat
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    Prevaricat Junior Member

    Fixed - I hope....

    Attached are two files: v2 of the single pdf, which now includes "Chapter 1 Section 3 (Documentation to be Submitted p73,4)", and the promised zip of the renamed individual files.

    The individual file names are long and although I have tweaked them you may still run into the windows path limit of 256 characters if you extract the zipped file to a deeply nested directory on your drive. If you have this problem try extracting it to your desktop.

    Any problems please let me know


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  11. MikeJohns
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    Thanks Andy great effort.

  12. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    Thanks a bunch, Andy :) Saves the rest of us a lot of tedious piece-meal downloading!

    And if anyone from BV is reading, kudos to you guys for making this stuff available free-of-charge. Nobody working (or messing about) in small boats can afford the hundreds of dollars that are customarily charged for each chapter of the "big ship" standards.
  13. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    Mech & Elec

    Hi folks,

    Since some of us (like myself) like to print off complete hard copies of things like this, I took the liberty of repackaging the big zip set that Andy posted earlier, plus all 27 chapters of the BV mechanical and electrical rules for yachts (Part C), in ready-to-print PDFs.

    This, of course, makes it too big to fit in one file, so we have:
    - ZIP of the whole set (all the pages Andy posted earlier, plus Part C)
    - One big PDF each for part A, part B and part C

    They are missing the section title pages (which are not part of the online version) and pages prior to p.53 (also not part of the online version). Printing all three of the big PDFs will give you a hard copy of the entire rule book, except for these title pages. About 400 pages total.

    Attached Files:

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  14. Willallison
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    Willallison Senior Member

    Here, Here! If only the lads over at ISO were equally motivated by intent, rather than profit. (This is one of my hobby-horses, and I'll bang away at it 'till the keyboard is worn out... For those who have heard it before, my apologies...)
    Surely the primary objective of any standard is to improve the safety for the general public. The more widely available that these standards are, the more likely they are to be used.

  15. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    Go ask Richard Woods about the RCD. He'll quickly put a damper on any optimistic belief that it's motivated by a genuine, well-informed concern for the boating public ;)

    But yes, you're absolutely right. Virtually every standards body charges a small fortune for each copy of their literature. If it ain't widely available, it ain't gonna be used. Unless, of course, someone makes it a legal requirement that you follow a particular standard, even if you don't like that standard.
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