Bulkhead gaps

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Bluebayou1031, Jun 30, 2024.

  1. Bluebayou1031
    Joined: Jun 2024
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    Location: Jacksonville FL

    Bluebayou1031 New Member

    We have a bulkhead being installed I feel even though he said he’s a professional that the gaps are wrong he said the felt will fill in the gaps. please advise. I feel we are in a pickle. Husband and I are Retired Navy we saved money for this but don’t want to be taken to the bank for a job that’s not right. Also scared he’s gonna walk off the job. He’s broken two excavators now charging us extra says land has too many rocks and boulders.
  2. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I’m staring hard at my crystal ball, but not really getting the picture here???
  3. philSweet
    Joined: May 2008
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    philSweet Senior Member

    @kapnD Retaining wall on a canal lot, probably. The local permitting for these things in Florida is an absolute nightmare. A friend has put in a bunch on his rental properties on the Fl. east cost, and I have gotten to hear all about it. Most places only allow approved, engineered modular systems.

    @Bluebayou1031 call your building inspector and ask about it on the phone. Check with the BBB also. The whole thing looks iffy to me.
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