Building my first boat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Ricardo.v.O, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. Ricardo.v.O
    Joined: Feb 2016
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    Ricardo.v.O Junior Member

    Hi, I am 14 years old and live in Holland,
    I just became a member of Boatdesign.

    I am planning on making a jet boat from scratch, something similar to a jet dinghy or a jon boat.
    This would be the first boat I make, I have had 2 small fishing boats before, one of polyester and now one of aluminium, both under 5 meters. I would like to build the boat out of aluminium. I am not planning on fishing with the boat much, as the boat I have is ideal for fishing.

    I was wondering,
    What are some thing I should keep in mind when building the boat?
    Where should I start? Should I start with the engine or with the boat?
    What type of engine could I use instead of an engine designed for jet boats? Preferably something not to expensive. Could a motorcycle engine work?
    How powerful should the engine be? I was thinking something around 50 hp.
    Should I make a jon boat or more something like a jet dinghy?
    What can I expect of the final cost of everything together?
    If anyone has any suggestions please share.

    Thanks in advance,
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Your cheapest solution is to get a complete unit from a PWC. Making your own with a motorcycle or any other engine is complicated and expensive. There will be a lot of fabrication and machining of parts. Also, you would have to design and match the housing and impeller to the engine. Further, you need to marinize the engine. If it is air cooled, a fan and cowling will need to be designed and fabricated.
    What kind of place do you have to work in and what tools and equipment available?
  3. Ricardo.v.O
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    Ricardo.v.O Junior Member

    Thanks for the extremely fast reply,

    I have the basic tools, when I need to cut the aluminium I will rent a plasma cutter, further if I find out I need more tools I will either rent them or buy them
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Structural integrity is the key. Welcome and good luck with your project.
  5. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    Wish I had of started a young as you!

    It will help to define what you expect the boat to do.
    How many people?
    How fast?
    Will it be on protected lake water, bays where it might get choppy, or open ocean?
    Will you be able to put it on a trailer?

    Someone will come along and tell you it will be cheaper to buy a used boat, and it will be true in the USA. But that might not be what you want to do.

    Have you thought about looking at current and older boats similar to what you want?
    My brother started building a 3-point hydrofoil (10-12') but it never got finished - 50 years ago. I'm sure similar plans are still available.

    You might look at at the Cocktail racer.

    Glen-L marine has a bunch of smaller racer type boats:

    Good luck.
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  7. Ricardo.v.O
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    Ricardo.v.O Junior Member

    Everyone, thanks a lot,

    I will try to rent a nibbler, when I have everything planned out.

    How many people?
    I was thinking less than 4
    How fast?
    Not too fast, but that it can at least go on plane.
    Will it be on protected lake water, bays where it might get choppy, or open ocean?
    It will be on protected lakes, it might get a little bit choppy, but not too bad.
    Will you be able to put it on a trailer?
    Most likely, no, as trailers in Holland are quite expensive.
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  8. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Huh ?

    You are going to build a sizable boat for 4 people from aluminium with a decent motor and you think a trailer is expensive ?

    Have you done a cost list for the boat yet ?
  9. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Easy Watson, he's 14.

    A little slack.
  10. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Uw droom niet verlaten.
  11. Ricardo.v.O
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    Ricardo.v.O Junior Member

    Hahaha, dankje, zal 't niet doen
  12. Ricardo.v.O
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    Ricardo.v.O Junior Member

    In Holland a decent trailer that is aloud to go on highways costs around 500 euro's, I realize making my own boat costs more, but 500 euro's more is still a lot.
    Plus, I live 50 meters away from water, I don't need a trailer.
  13. Alumination
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    Alumination Junior Member

    What do you have in mind for a hull style?
    Tunnel Hull / Catamaran?
    Flat bottom?

    Will you weld this all together or rivet or some other way?

    I'm not a fan of jets but if you do use jet power, I have to agree with those above, use a complete assembly from a donor PWC.

    You could also find a donor boat with a Volvo or Mercruiser I/O. Larger and heavier but also has advantages over a jet, especially if carrying 4 passengers.

    Will you be building this on your own or do you have help?
  14. Ricardo.v.O
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    Ricardo.v.O Junior Member

    I will have some help but will do most on my own.
    I found this online, I did not make this, I am going to follow the design but with a running surface of 50 cm, instead of under 40 cm.
    assembley JPEG (Medium).jpg

  15. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Wow. That is a challenging design for a professional. Does the design have all the structural details? The mass of less than 100kg seems overly optimistic.
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