Building a boatbuilding business

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by chrismcg, Apr 2, 2022.

  1. LMonteyro
    Joined: Jan 2019
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    LMonteyro New Member

    Old thread, I know. Maybe this info will be useful for someone.
    The challenge here is marketing, but fortunately it's doable even on a budget. You can start locally, attend boating events, and collect contacts for showcasing your work. Additionally, leveraging digital marketing, particularly social media, can be beneficial. Facebook, Instagram, and boat enthusiast forums are excellent platforms. Try to tell a story with each post of your building process and finished product, this should drive engagement.
  2. Zachary Peter
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Zachary Peter Junior Member

    Social media can be a powerful tool, especially if you're operating on a tight budget. Sharing pictures of your boats, posting about the building process, and sharing customer satisfaction stories will create engaging content. Facebook is a particularly good platform for this.
    Marketing your product can be a bit tricky. You need to understand what works best. I recommend using this Facebook adspy tool. It lets you see successful ads from all over the world, giving insight into successful marketing strategies. That way, you can tailor your own ads and reach out to the right audience effectively.
    Study your competition, learn from others, and integrate innovative ideas. Sound like a motto, right?
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023

  3. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I follow a few boatbuilders on Facebook, and it is a very good way of advertising.
    I do like these Poleson aluminium boats, built in the Shetland islands, far away to the north of Scotland.
    Poleson Marine LTD

    And the BW Seacats - and many other FB pages I just realised.
    BWSeaCat Ltd
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