Builder from Navy designs my boat, GRP and Steel, Inspired by Fay 32 A

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mustafaumu sarac, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I found an veteran from Turkish Navy who built submarines and destroyers for 32 years. His main job is not design but precise placement of things in yard. I dont know how to say in english. He worked at Bohm and Voss for long years in Germany.

    He is retired and fun with ship modelling hobby.

    He decided to help me. I wanted two designs

    first , 4 meters glass reinforced plastic boat with same lines of fay marine 32 a.
    second, 11 meters steel yacht inspired by fay marine 32 a.

    I will attach everything I got to WITHOUT WWW , , as free steel yacht plans.

    My 4 meters project is 135 width x 80 or so height.

    Its like an sleeping bag but I will live in it in datca marmaris southwest Turkey , med and aegean meets.

    Here is a video of design process..

    He is not a yacht designer and my knowledge is shallow.

    Design is at starting phase.

    Critic , advise , suggest please.


  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Nice video.
    Given the shape of the stern, one might think that halfway up is the propeller. If that is the case, have you thought about where the engine is going and if there is enough space for it and for the other elements of a engine room?
    Have you thought about how you will weld the interior elements of the double bottom or the interiors of the skeg ?.
    Do you already calculated the scantlings of the structure?
    Why is the base line not parallel to the roof? It is not necessary, but the convergence seen in the attached figure is strange. The sheer line, is it a straight line?
    Let me remind you that designing a ship, even if it is copying an existing one, is much more than doing a nice rendering, with video, in Rhino. And I do not want to disrespect anyone but simply underline what is the reality of boat design.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
  3. jorgepease
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    I can't say anything about the design but it might be helpful if he uses less points in his surfaces, it will be easier to keep the real thing fair.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Probably they are not points to define the surface but a way to visualize it. They should be ruled surfaces so they are not defined by points.
  5. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I think , I will never build the design , its too complicated for its size and purpose. Designer never tells me the cost and denies to tell me the cost. If he ends up with several hundreds of dollars , he gets air. I wrote about my wallet and he denies to let me know the cost. Videos , uploads , hours of works I cant pay. He works and works. What should I do. I said sell the design at duckworks . May be he liked to be an yacht designer.

  6. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @mustafaumu sarac , my advice is to stop as soon as possible that process of "design" that you have started. Honestly, the experience in a submarine shipyard does not assure any valid knowledge for the design of moto-sailboats. Look for a true boat designer, not a renders creator. But those professionals may not be cheap.
    Another issue: copying an existing design could have legal repercussions.
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