Build/Stability Plans for Maurell 4010 Pontoon - For USCG COI

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by datikiqueen, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. datikiqueen
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    datikiqueen New Member

    Thank you in advance for your guidance, information or leads.

    I have a Maurell 4010 Pontoon in Hawaii. The USCG informed me this vessel is able to obtain a COI, yet I need to submit detailed plans that include how it was built . Maurell was sold to Crest and Crest does not have ANY records.

    How do I obtain building plans for a vessel with a manufacturer that doesn't exist anymore?

    Do anyone know of another Maurell 4010 Pontoon that has a USCG COI? I could maybe obtain their building plans for my application?

    Any insight is greatly appreciated.

  2. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    You have been asked by the Coast Guard to do what really doesn't exist. As a retired Coast Guard officer, I have seen his happen many times before. It is really difficult to get a COI for an existing vessel whose manufacturer no longer exists. Usually it is too expensive to hire a Naval Architect or Marine Engineer to reverse engineer a set of plans for an existing vessel. My best suggestion would be to ask the Marine Inspection Office in Hawaii if they know of any other Maurell 4010 Pontoon boat that has been Certified and then contact the owner. Other than that, choose a pontoon boat from an existing manufacturer that can provide you with the plans.

    The normal path for obtaining COI for a vessel is; submitting plans for a vessel that has not yet been built. The plans are then approved or sent back to you for correction of any deficiencies. Once the plans are approved, then the vessel is built and during the build the Coast Guard inspects the vessel and eventually issues a COI after a series of stability tests to determine the maximum passenger load. In your case the first half of the process has been skipped.
  3. Eric Zhu
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    Eric Zhu Junior Member

    i want to give you support , pls share your floating barge pictures and main parameters , hope i can give you support
    email :
    whastapp :+8615165209832
  4. datikiqueen
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    datikiqueen New Member

    Many thanks, not sure how I'll be able to progress without the design drawings

  5. datikiqueen
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    datikiqueen New Member

    Thanks, will be in contact
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