Bucking the industry trend...

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Mike Inman, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. Mike Inman
    Joined: Oct 2018
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    Mike Inman Junior Member

    Among the various ~12m catamarans on the market, I have found a favorite in the Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40. The things I like about it most of all are the relatively low displacement (quoted 6000-6200kg), the high clean bridgedeck, and the "right sized" accommodations inside for a family of 4 plus occasional guests.

    I might wish for it to be a tad narrower, perhaps just a little smaller on the inside, lighter of course, and perhaps even reduce the size of the rig which seems to be abundantly oversized compared to the competition. Their newer Lucia 40 does reduce the size of the rig by about 35% but is packing nearly 50% more displacement into a very similar LOA and beam - and this seems to be the trend around the catamaran industry: in addition to dropping the smaller vessels while adding larger ones, they all seem to be packing more and more volume and displacement into their ~12m models.

    Are there any smaller manufacturers or custom designers who deal in the "lighter simpler" 12m catamarans? I like what Tim Weston did with his Tokyo Express: Tokyo Express - Tim Weston Boats https://timwestonboats.com/tokyo-express/ particularly with the lighter / apparently simpler small outboards for auxiliary power, but such designs seem to be absent from the east coast US market...
  2. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I think my favorite among the lighter simpler range at the moment are the semi production cats from Asia Catamarans. Lightweight and displacement with judicious use of exotics where it will help the most. Home - Asia Catamarans http://www.asiacatamarans.com is their website.
  3. Mike Inman
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    Mike Inman Junior Member

    Wow! those are light, and I would gladly pay 200K Thai Bhat for one: Stealth 11.8 Racing Catamaran | Sailescapes https://www.sailescapesyachtcharter.com/yacht-charter/stealth-11-8-racing-catamaran/ but I don't think that's what they mean :-(
  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

  5. Mike Inman
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    Mike Inman Junior Member

    Yeah, I put that together after a bit - that's the first site I found while searching for asia catamarans stealth purchase price... These aussies seem to be their main dealer, but it looks like they don't often have them available: Pre-owned Sail Multihulls | Multihull Solutions https://www.multihullsolutions.com.au/boats/pre-owned/sail-multihulls/ Here's a reference to a 2 year old 13m for US$380K Nine excellent used multihulls for sale - MySailing.com.au http://www.mysailing.com.au/boats/nine-excellent-used-multihulls-for-sale
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