Buccaneer 24, Buccaneer 28 and now Buccaneer 33 plans are also now to be available.

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by outside the box, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    To all interested in keeping these great designs in circulation.

    We thought it worthy to start a new thread finally.

    As some will already know last year we took over keeping the supply of the Buccaneer 24 plans going from OS7. They are supplied on same terms and conditions as OS7 had.

    We then acquired the Buccaneer 28 plan set and have Nick our graphic designer working on restoring to original condition, these will become available in approximately April 2015 at Nicks present rate as with all we have on spare time is limited.
    These will be available in printed format with full building back up by our qualified boat builders designers and engineers, alternatively we hope to eventually get them downloadable.

    We now have a set of Buccaneer 33 plans tracked down and are just awaiting the price to secure so we can get Nick onto their restoration so they can be made available as per the 28 plans.

    Next we would like to track down the Buccaneer 40 plans so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    We will as time allows get all plan sets down loadable however this will happen as time allows.

    Toby is working on updating all web presence so when this is done all information will be on there also.

    From the team at Ezifold Yachts LTD
  2. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

  3. Marmoset
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    Marmoset Senior Member

    Well done Mr Holmes! Great news!

  4. Marmoset
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    Marmoset Senior Member

    Speaking of web presence you should stick a link to your page and or blog in profile, saves me finding links in 24 thread to keep up with the latest! Haha

  5. basil
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    basil Senior Member

    G'day Outside the Box,

    If you're looking for Kraken 40 plans, I think if you can contact Duncan Stuart in Auckland you may have a good start. He owned "Krisis" many moons ago.

  6. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    Thanks for the information.

    We will get Brooke onto following leads up when she joins us in April taking over office management.

    Craig and the Ezifold team.

  7. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    Thanks for that.
    Presently everything is being updated by Toby the new owner and CEO of Ezifold Yachts LTD, he has lots going on presently with updates coming soon.
    As one could imagine being much younger than I (1/2 my age) he has buckets of energy is well educated in business, manages another business by day and has just purchased another complementary to Ezifold Yachts LTD so we just have to take little steps as the cogs all mesh into place.
    We will align everything with links etc when he has finished the new website.
    I am staying on as head of design and General manager through out the transition until I can escape and go sailing full time :)
    We will keep posts and updates coming as time allows.
    When Brooke starts in April updates will be a regular occurance.

    Craig ( former owner and founder in 1996 of Ezifold Yachts)

  8. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    Thank you Corley if we all do our bit these beauty's of days gone won't be lost.
    Cheers Craig and the team at Ezifold Yachts LTD
  9. rapscallion
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    rapscallion Senior Member

    What about the Twiggy? The mark 2 looks like it would still be a weapon today considering the gold standard at the moment is the F31.
  10. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    There are only so many hours in a life but that said if someone were to get a set of plans to us they would get restored and made available as Nick has time.
    The Ezifold team

  11. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member

    Nice work!

    You know I am interested in the Buc 33 plans when they are ready. :)
  12. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    Of course, we weren't aware you didn't have a set.
    Hope you received the second lot of info?
    Team Ezifold

  13. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member

    Plans are nice

    :cool: Yes, I did get the second set. Of course, thanks. :)
    I never found a set of 33 plans, so I have had to guess where necessary. My boat would not be quite the same anyway since mine has foam/glass hulls with ply decks, and it has probably been "improved" somewhere in the last 40 years.
  14. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

  15. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member

    33 photos

    An owner of another B-33 sent me some pics of mine! He has owned, and just sold hull #18, the next one built after mine. His is still in Canada, and still looks nice. :) OS should be pleased.
    The photos of my hull #17 (Robinox) were taken about 8 years ago in Florida. Mine is ready to launch, I just have to find the time.

    Attached Files:

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