Brain storming

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by Murat124, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Murat124
    Joined: Oct 2013
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    Murat124 Junior Member

    is there any body who can develope an idea about new propulsion system intended for increasing bollard pull/BHP on tugboats
  2. Jamie Kennedy
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    Jamie Kennedy Senior Member

    Here is an idea where the tug turns sideways to better use multiple propellors.

    But there will always be a tradeoff between bollard pull, and bollard pull / BHP. If you wan't to maximize bollard pull / BHP and still achieve a high bollard pull, I think the solution would be to use multiple tugs, each with two very big propellors.
  3. Jamie Kennedy
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    Jamie Kennedy Senior Member

    Another idea might be to use kedging anchors. With modern technology this could be done safely and efficienty. There could be permament anchors in place, and small remote underwater vehicles to deploy lines to the anchors when a ship needs to leave dock. The lines could be released remotely. This would allow ships to be maneuvered very precisely and predictably in all weather conditions, and very efficiently in terms of energy use. Tugs would only need to standy for emergencies.

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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    " Tugs would only need to standy for emergencies."

    Not much difference in costs if a tug has to stand by for every manuver the vessel makes.

    is there any body who can develope an idea about new propulsion system intended for increasing bollard pull/BHP on tugboats

    The diesel electric new boats seem to have solved that.

    Operate from place to place on a disel , which also charges the batts.

    Hang around waiting for work on electric power from the batts or a gen set,, and when called for MAX effort the pull is increased as both the diesel the gen set and battery power supply the maximum energy.

    Expensive to build though.
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