Books on catamaran design and principles

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by ruysg, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. ruysg
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    ruysg Junior Member

    Hi there,

    I'm looking for good books on catamaran design, that discusses structural load cases, stability, seaworthiness, etc. S0mething like a PNA (principles of naval architecture) focussed on catamarans. Any recommendations?

  2. Rurudyne
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  3. Richard Woods
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  4. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Just read a lot...since there is no one go to book that covers everything you want. There are very good ones for each topic/subject..but..still lots of reading to do.
    If it were that easy....everyone would be doing it and an instant expert!
  5. Angélique
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  6. dsigned
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    dsigned O.R.C. Hunter

    Haha. Funny to see my thread again. I wonder if we could break down the procedure for catamaran design, and then invite the various NA's with experience in that area to contribute. It does seem to be an area where the general public would be served by some better/more comprehensive information.
  7. ruysg
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    ruysg Junior Member

    Dejay likes this.
  8. ruysg
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    ruysg Junior Member

  9. Vijay Krishna
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    Vijay Krishna Junior Member

    Completed studying Principles of yacht design. what an amazing book, learned a lot. I was orginally into multis but lack of a book focussed on multis lead me to study PoYD. Since its been 4 years after the last post may i ask if there are any new info or books on catamaran design?
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