Boden "Elizabeth" Steel Ketch

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Michael Rodgers, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Michael Rodgers
    Joined: Jul 2016
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    Michael Rodgers Mike

    I am the owner of a 12 metre steel Boden "Elizabeth" Ketch. I would like as much information about this design including all specifications. Have been unable find out any information on the internet. Thanking all in anticipation.


  2. sharpii2
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    sharpii2 Senior Member

    Perhaps a profile picture might jog some one's memory.

    Failing that, some description of the hull, rig, and keel design might help.

    The name 'Boden' could be the designer's name, or the name of the company that built her, so the name alone is not much help.
  3. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Boden's are/were an Australian supplier of boat design plans from the 1950's, they are still in business, but according to the website no longer support queries about the sail boats. Whoops, never saw PAR's info. I'd be looking in second hand bookshops as a possible source of a book of old plans and specs.
  5. pdwiley
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    pdwiley Senior Member

    Pretty sure that one was in one of the 'Build A Boat' book plans back in the 70's. I have seen old copies of that publication in secondhand book shops but it's pot luck getting one.

    All the book will have is a profile, basic details on beam, draft etc and an interior layout - all of which you already know if you own one.

    I always liked their Bass Strait Clipper design.

  6. Michael Rodgers
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    Michael Rodgers Mike

    Boden Photo's

    Have tried to upload photo's hope they appear

    Attached Files:

  7. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    It would be worthwhile to give them a call, I think the sail plans may have been included till a couple/few years ago. The Poole family was running that business to my knowledge maybe a decade or so ago, not sure now, maybe Troy Munnery... just let your fingers do the walking and talk to them..

  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

  9. Michael Rodgers
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    Michael Rodgers Mike

    Re the Boden

    Thanks for all the replies, have contacted Boden, but to no avail, have asked the seller on Ebay if book includes our vessel.


  10. Mickyd
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    Mickyd New Member

    Hi there, my name is michael and my dad built a boden 40 ft ( approx) in the 70's. In fact i think this is a photo of it- was named rumbalara and i think resides in Yamba. I have some plans but would also like to hear how the ol girl is going! My email is thanks
  11. Michael Rodgers
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    Michael Rodgers Mike

    Gooday Michael, Have tried your email but have not been able to contact you. My wife and I now own Rhumbulara and would love to talk to you give us a reply if you get this.

    Mike Rodgers
  12. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Mike,

    If you make one more post here then I'll be able to PM you my best shot to get in touch.

    See for PM info the thread Historical multihulls ---> post #1308 & 1309

  13. Mickydj
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    Mickydj New Member

    Hi mike its Michael here, have talked before but my email has changed and have lost contact. Am up at yamba at the moment and would love to get in contact and maybe see the ol girl( sorry 'lady) I can now be contacted on
    Look forward to hearing from you.
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