Bobby McFerrin may someday forgive me...

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Rurudyne, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Rurudyne
    Joined: Mar 2014
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Don't Diet, Eat Ice Cream

    By Rurudyne

    Here's a little song I wrote
    You might want to sing it note for note
    Don't diet, eat ice cream
    In every life we make our stand
    When you diet your life is bland
    Don't diet, eat ice cream

    Yum, yum yum yum yum-mm yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Don't diet)
    Yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Eat ice cream)
    Yum yum-mm yum-mm
    Yum, yum yum yum yum-mm yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Don't diet)
    Yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Eat ice cream)
    Yum yum-mm yum-mm
    (Don't diet, eat ice cream)

    Ain't got no shorts that fit you butt
    Kids laugh they taunt your tuckas bad
    Don't diet, eat ice cream
    Your life coach says you're gaining weight
    He wants you to remunerate
    Don't diet, eat ice cream
    (Look at me I'm eating ice cream)

    Yum, yum yum yum yum-mm yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Don't diet)
    Yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Eat ice cream)
    Yum yum-mm yum-mm
    Here I give you my phone number
    When you diet call me, I'll eat ice cream for you
    Yum, yum yum yum yum-mm yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Don't diet)
    Yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Eat ice cream)
    Yum yum-mm yum-mm

    Ain't got no lap, ain't got no neck
    Ain't got no girl but what the heck?
    But don't diet, eat ice cream
    'Cause when you diet
    Your face will frown
    And that will bring everybody down
    So don't diet, eat ice cream
    Don't diet, eat ice cream now

    Yum, yum yum yum yum-mm yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Don't diet)
    Yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Eat ice cream)
    Yum yum-mm yum-mm
    Don't diet, eat ice cream
    Yum, yum yum yum yum-mm yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Don't diet)
    Yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Eat ice cream)
    Yum yum-mm yum-mm
    Don't diet, eat ice cream
    Yum, yum yum yum yum-mm yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Don't diet)
    Yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Eat ice cream sweetie, be happy)
    Yum yum-mm yum-mm
    (Put a smile on your face, don't bring everybody down)
    Yum, yum yum yum yum-mm yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Rocky Road?)
    Yum yum-mm yum yum yum-mm
    (Sure! Pass the spoons!)
    Yum yum-mm yum-mm
    OMG is that mint?
    I'm not dieting, I'm happy!
  2. AndySGray
    Joined: Jun 2014
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    AndySGray Senior Member

  3. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Why do I think there is a flaw in those reckonings ? :p
  4. AndySGray
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    AndySGray Senior Member

    Sadly a calorie is not a calorie (you may sometimes see a mention of Calories as e.g. 23.4 kCal) and its that little extra k meaning a thousand which stops the above working - an example

    a snickers bar is 250 calories which is the amount of energy required to raise 6.75 grams of ice water (0 degrees celcius) to body temp (so about a quarter ounce).

    Except that it is actually 250 kCal or 250,000 calories - i.e you'd have to drink 6.75 liters or 14.26 pints! :(
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Yes, I guessed as much, sometimes the "kilo" gets dropped off, which does lead to some confusion.
  6. AndySGray
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    AndySGray Senior Member

    That said eating a snickers and then having 15 pints of beer seems do-able,

    Oh Wait, there's calories in the beer, damn
  7. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    You could try the technique for making ice wine but go further and save the ice so produced for beer flavored snocones.
  8. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    I guess if ice cream is more important to you than your away.

    It seems to me a sad state of affairs when eating junk food is the only thing that you look forward to.

    I recently lost 50 lbs over the last six months by cutting out as much carbohydrates (like ice cream) as possible (and eating lots of lean protein), I am now at my collage weight and do not miss eating junk food. I did miss enjoying outdoor activities, now I am again going hiking and ready to do skiing again this winter. I sleep better, consume much less food, and a number of health issues have gone away (like a pre-diabetic insulin resistance, leaky gut, low thyroid, and a number of other serious issues, now all gone).

    It seems to me the choice is simple; eat ice cream a lot and live miserably and die an early miserable death, or eat it rarely a enjoy and long productive and healthy life. And when you are slim and healthy, attractive women come back into your life as well.
  9. pdwiley
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    pdwiley Senior Member

    Unfortunately, this almost always leads to a loss of productive time that would be spent boat building, so beer is better.....

  10. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Counterpoint: enjoy what you're eating, have less stress, vs live long enough to really enjoy the VA style health care for all that's probably coming. :D
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014

  11. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Besides, if there's one thing boats do well it's displace more water.
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