boats that are designed with car aerodynamic method?

Discussion in 'Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics' started by dina, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. TeddyDiver
    Joined: Dec 2007
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Hope it's on the surface, if not you are in a sinking ship, and if thats the case its better to be warm too. :rolleyes:
    Thou in that case it's also irrelevant how is the aerodynamics of the topsides...
  2. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    topsides !! ok i have a older boat with a flared bow, on a still day its never a worry ,on a windy day going head into the wind at 35 to 40 mph its possible to feel the front of the boat lift at over 40mph plus its really noticeable I always carry two 20 litre tote tanks on the floor lashed to special fittings to hold then so the dont move , when the tanks are full its never a worry heading into or going with the wind but coming home after a days fishing with one empty tank and the other just half full it lifts noticeably .
    So tell me do topsides need thinking about in the aero subject or not ?? after all topsides go from the bow all the way to the stern !!
    Incidently the boat travels at over 60mph but only on really fine days or going with the wind in a small harbour chop !:(
  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    But you haven't, have you, otherwise you would have typed into a search engine!

    And if you don't know, nor care, you have no basis for a reasoned debate, based upon the science you claim to pontificate about.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    I claim nothing you are asumming not me
    I found all i wanted to know about water and air in less than a minute just for the sake of curiosity, did i write it down and remember no whats the point has no use to me at all . This is not a debate this is a typlical sensai talking down to his students as i had seen many times when i lived in Suite city in Osaka !:eek:
  5. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Oh…really?? Hmm..let me see:

    And so on. You get the picture.

    So, you claim nothing, yet pontificate about aerodynamics. Your claim is that aero is the key to it all but when raised, so it is not. Just so we’re clear, here again:

    So, the only way to understand this non-claim of yours it is talk about what these influences on aero really mean, or if it is just hot air. Either your claim is about aerodynamics, or it is not. You’ll have to actually say this, rather than not answer the question, as you have repeatedly done so far. Is it or isn’t it about aerodynamics.
  6. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    oooh you getting a little upset then ??

    Have you had a bad day ?did you get you hand slapped is morning ?? its a pitty she didnt give you cold milk for your cornes for breakfast !
    i never want to be like you ever, so please stay where you are forever !. Bye :eek:

    I know you havent got enough work to do and you getting grumpy !! ooooooh poor didums !!
  7. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Tunnels, I don't know if your behavior is due to some factors which go beyond this discussion, but I frankly don't care. You should be ashamed of your manners. You keep trolling and destroying this thread, and offending people for not being in line with your way of thinking. You give nothing but hear-say stories and personal feelings in support of your claims, as opposed to others who have wasted their precious time by trying to give you arguments based on facts, in a vain hope of giving you some points of view which you have evidently completely ignored.
    It is so sad, because this thread could have been very informative without your contribution, if that can be called a contribution.
    1 person likes this.
  8. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    im sorry if i trod on your corns all i have seen come from a bunch of highly learned profefessional people is a load of cobblers !!your included . this thread was about aerodynamics and hydrodynamics but it keeps getting side tracked by a bunch of know it alls that have not really added anything very much here at all , you guys are all tared with the same brush and live in the philosophy of if you cant convince them then baffle then with science !! sorry dosent cut with me ! this has turned into a all out right personal attach . i have never made any claims you have stated !! its all here say its just things i know to be true because i been and done !!
    Its about now your probably want to throw and tantrum and break something !! mind your blood pressure !!!

    I truely believe in the use of shapes and flowing forms and lines to make boats look better and more modern than a floating coffins shape we seem to be stuck with ,all these things are being used and will carry on being used in big buildings throughout the modern world ,be it boats ,cars, buildings or whatever .there is limitations to hydrodymanics when you get into high speed boats its one of the reason to step up to aerodynaimics , in slower moving boats the combination of better design , the introduction of modern hydrodymaics and also the intervention of aerodymnamics !! put the whole lot together and come up with something new !!.
    some of the surposed new designs look like reprints from the 1930/1940 popular mechanic magazines of old , with a air brushed fancy paint job and a new motor !!
    pick up a boat magazine from the 1960s and a new one and see designs have not changed hardly at all !!.
    Have fun :D
  9. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Did you consider the possibility that you've made your opinion by looking at wrong boats?
  10. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    you mean to say there are others ?? but where , they all look the same ,how do you tell the differance between old and new ?? :(
  11. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    These are new:





    Now tell me, what's so awfully wrong with these boat's aerodynamics? Before replying, hold on a minute and think about their function.
  12. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    It's important to have an understanding of aerodynamics, before attempting to discuss it, which Tunnels, rather plainly has proven he doesn't know much about. If he did, he would understand his comments about rounded, smoothed over shapes isn't especially aero efficient on high speed craft. He has no idea how air flows around a particular shape or shape choices, though does offer uneducated debate about how he thinks it might, further qualifying his maladroitness on the subject. Tall buildings don't consider aerodynamics, though do wind loads, which is a wholly different subject, of course likely another he has no understanding of. If aero was considered in tall buildings, they'd be foil shaped into the prevailing wind, possible rotating as well. In this vain some have had their sharp (not rounded or smoothed) corners, oriented to prevailing winds, but that's about as much aero as you'll see.

    If Tunnels had even the remotest grasp on flow dynamics, he'd understand the significance (or lack of it) it terms of resistance on the whole, in any boat design. He's never run the resistance numbers, never figured the amount of anything, who knows what he does, but swinging a chopper gun or rolling out bubbles seems all he's capable of, of course a far cry from understanding the nuances of microsurgery, let alone aerodynamics. Discussion with his belligerence and ineptness on the subject certainly has proven what he is. Again, you should speak what you know, rather then pontificate about what you think you know, as it just proves that you don't.
  13. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I agree . I started a thread on this a while back. The reason boats are big fat and ugly with horrendous fuel consumption that we see today is why?

    The owner asked for this? or because designers have no imagination.

    Then you see them at the boat show all lined up looking almost identical

    Afraid to loose a job and afraid to go out of the box of normality.

    And then they say----'we cant sell any boats', they wont buy it.
  14. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    This is absolute nonsense Frosty. Designer's ideas don't drive the market, the market drives the market. We have fat boats because that's what the market want's, not the other way around. Even with the high cost of fuel in the US, it's just a fraction of what's paid else where in the world. No imagination, oh please, some of the most clever ideas I've seen have come on production craft of every shape and size. Now I will admit that more then 2 cup holds, built into the tissue dispenser in the head is a little over the top, but still damn clever. Ever open a foredeck hatch to see molded fender holders and anchor storage slot? Your 1960's - 1980's yacht didn't have any of this. Recessed furling gear pockets, resin infusion, hull form advances, quick disconnects, prop technologies, wireless networking, CNC tooling and part making, material and utilization advances, the list is long over the last decade alone. If you're keeping up with the industry, instead of puttering around on whatever and thinking you can do better, maybe it's time you went to a show and took a good look or better yet, got up to speed on the new techniques, materials and engineering being used in today's market.

  15. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    oh no how dare you !!!

    I have been sitting watching and waiting for a reply and this morning we have 2 !! i fink the moderator need to rename its thread as it sure as hell has nothing to do with the origanal quetion asked . Lets call it see how clever i am !! or im the best and how dare you question what i say !! or even my word is law done ever question what i say !!

    A very simple answer to all this ! prove how good you are and put them up on the screen !! so far there has been very little actual information at all come from the the brains of the nation !! talk talk talk empty words word of nothing ! as i have said before put up or shut up !!:(
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