boats that are designed with car aerodynamic method?

Discussion in 'Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics' started by dina, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    In answer to the origanal question not the same methods can be used on both cases but slightly differant ! where cars need the air flow to help hold them on the ground the faster you go !! boat need air flow to do the opposite and to lift them out of the water !! Water and wetted surface causes friction ,once speed gets up cause lots drag so to get out of that hole you have to get above it . Tunnels boats give the best of both worlds they channel the air beneith the hull as a cushion or pressurised air to ride on and lift ,and the air traveling over the decks surface is also working in conjuntion with the cushion to help lift and keep the whole boat suspended , stable and level .
    The early tunnels very little thought was given to the air above the deck and how much affect it really was having ,so if a boat hit a bump to raise the nose and all of a sudden the absence of good aerodynamsics and the boat was going skywards !!!,problem of ballance the front was light the back was heavy so the air was slowing the front while it was pointed vertical in the air , the motors momentum carried on and the boat usually landed up side down facing back the way it had come . scary for sure because it was over in a fraction of a second . motors were getting more powerful speeds were increasing and the bottoms of the boats were being made more efficent in design and shape but no one really was paying any attention to what was going on and going to happen with the higher forces of the air flow going across and over the decks surfaces . oops we forgot about that !!.

    Now lets get onto the picture of the F1 race car that was so kindly displayed . aerodynamics if you can call it that in this case is being manipulated !! sure theres sharp crisp shapes But all the designer is doing is using the air pressure in channels in all cases to force parts of the car downwards always down wards and in the case of the shapes infront of the rear wheels to use the air flow to help cool the tyres also with a downward force . Foils at the front hold and force the front tyres down on the track surface for better steering ,the rear high up spoiler doing exactle the same the only thing is the side fuel tanks have shape but see the fins in the panel just behind is channeling the side air flow round the side also to help cooling of the rear tyres . oh sure they go fast and they stick on the track like the glued there but over a long period of time the car designers have found they have a force they can play with in clever ways to get the full advantage and the edge to go faster . Aerodynamic to make it smooth running and economical and efficent !!! sort of yes but mostly no !

    Now we come to our modern everyday family car !!, manaufactures are using some of the technology learned on the world race tracks in a simular way as well !! low fronts with a dam /skirt rond the front close to the ground !!, higher backends with spoilers to deflect and channel airflow ! the floor pan in you car is creating a suction force and holding the car down on the road the faster you go the more the car is forced down !!simular to a racing car !!
    The body shapes have also changed in accordance to using the air over the car to assist and make the car more stable at the higher speeds ,even to the point of the side windows now are out almost flush with the side of the car . the old drip rail where the roof used to join vanished longtime ago as it caused turbulance and disturbed air flow . the old 1/4light window that used to pushout vanished when i was still in short pants !! note also the rear shapes frequantly change as well ! the rear has an influance on air flow as well . I have a hatch back with a low spoiler and the big rear window never gets dirty at all becasue the airflow over th ecar is much better !!

    Put all this in one nut shell AND yes we need much better aero shapes !!! we need much better cleaner lines on boats for the air going over and the air going under .
    There are some terrible things happening right to this very day with awful square boxy cabin shapes and really big rear facing openings with hardtops that are sucking fumes and fine water spray back into the boats even to the main cabin and right to the forward birth in some cases , speed ! the boats only doing 25 knots and its happening !!
    This all non thinking design problems that if the person had any practical boating exsperiance would have know all the associated problems and taken steps to avoid them !! its all to do with aero design the whole lot !!
    DESIGNERS !! I am sure some are really nice people !!
  2. bpw
    Joined: May 2012
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    bpw Senior Member

    Ever tried to haul up an anchor or douse a spinnaker from the hood of your car? That's why boats have square deck edges with nice rails around them. No math needed to figure that out.
  3. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Look at the original post !! what was the question the guy was asking
    ??Id you read it !! i dont think so!!
    so go drop you anchor where ever you want to and let thy spinicker go poof :( :p
  4. bpw
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    bpw Senior Member

    He asked if boats where designed with car like aerodynamics, the answer is no, and one of the many reasons is unlike a car, you actually have to be able to work on the deck of a boat. An easy to work deck does far more for efficiency (especially on sailboats, but power boats as well) than any gains that could be made by stream-lining the deck shape. Ever try to set out the fenders and dock lines on a modern powerboat with small or non-existant side decks? Its a real hassle, and often dangerous, even in flat water.
  5. P Flados
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    P Flados Senior Member

    To some extent most boats have a basic hull shape that is not bad. The overall profile looking down is usually pretty good. What makes the shape good for low water friction makes it decent for air friction.

    Depending on the boat purpose, some amount of extra effort can be worth considering. However, most boats only deserve a little help with a few details before the cost - benefit ratio goes bad.

    If you start talking not-slow racing boats (power or sail), or boats designed for record attempts, the tables turn and good airflow is usually very important.

    If you are talking a fast sport boat, the actual max speed and the high speed cruising cost are not really top issues. These boats need to be fun, functional, and have an appearance that is emotionally pleasing.

    For most commercial craft, function is king. Airflow is not a big deal. It does matter for a few applications (fast ferries) and these are usually pretty clean.

    Without narrowing the discussion to boat class/function, this topic does not really mean much.
  6. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    yes it does mean a lot !! its time for change and change for the better !!
    making boats more in to the 2013 instead of 1913s . Its amazing how back ward thinking most people are . dont you want change in your life ?? or are you just content to follow along behind dragging your knuckles in the dust like most other people do !!
    You dont come across as a get up and go type or even a just a get up kind !! you sound as adventurous as the stuffed cat on the floor holding the door open :(
  7. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    You are comparing apples and pineapples. In this discussion the word car is being used to describe anything on the road from motor homes to Formula 1.

    In the small car world ( that the ones we all use) the shape is being used for economy not for cornering traction, an extra 100MPH would be required to for that to become usefull.

    Similarly there are few boats that you will see on a Sunday afternoon that can reach half of that speed
  8. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    In simple words i am answering the guys question in the simplest ways possible !! he wanted to know and compair and thats it !!
    I dont think he owns a fruit shop or has apples and pineapples or even apples and pairs of pears . :eek:
  9. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    It's pissing with rain outside, so...I'll play :D

    Tunnels, please answer this questions.

    What is the density of:
    1) Air
    2) Water
  10. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Silly boy !!water must be more dense and heavyer than air because we have the sea and lakes rivers streams creeks and canals by the mile where i live
    Buts whats really confusing is rain !! how does the water get way up there in the sky so it can just fall down again ??? that very confusing !!!:( snows got me beat that just to much to take in . there must be a enormous freezer some where that makes it !!
    Are you japanese !! i see you have japan on you siganture what part of Japan you in ??
  11. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    The question is what is the density..not in words, but in actual numbers, absolutes.

    1) air =...XXX
    2) water = ..YYY

    Are you able to answer this question?
  12. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Are you showing off ??:?::confused::eek:
  13. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Not at all. These are known absolute facts.

    Either you know the answer or you don't. No point debating with you if we cannot even agree on some simple known factual absolute. It'll go around in endless circles otherwise.
  14. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    fresh water or salt water??
    if its salt water at what deepth in the ocean
    and what temprature ??:?:

  15. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    no i dont know the answer you want if i did want to know i would find it on the net in a few seconds / What is the point of me carrying such useless infornation in my head .
    It has absolutly nothing to do with any of the work i do !!
    oh yes, boats float deeper in fresh water than in salt water that all i need to know !! As a designer yes you probably need to know and understand , so what is the relavance in asking such a pointless silly question .
    Looking at the writing i would say you are Japanese ! yes ??
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