on mobile devices?

Discussion in 'Forum Questions and Suggestions' started by daiquiri, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    A question for the admin: is there a mobile version of the forum, or is enabled for TapaTalk ( ) or similar forum apps for mobile phones and tablets?
    Thanks in advance!
  2. Boat Design Net Moderator
    Joined: Feb 2010
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    No there is not a mobile app or mobile phone app at the current time. I will add it to the list to evaluate whether either tapatalk or forumrunner would be seamless with other modifications and customizations in place here. In the long-term it would be ideal to have a full app in place that can be provided for free for members to use, but I do not have an ETA for this.
  3. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Ok, thanks for the reply. It happens to me pretty often to check the forum messages through my mobile phone. To do that I have to go through the standard web version of the site, which is not very comfortable for small screens. A mobile version, or an implementation of the Tapatalk (or similar) technology, would make life easier for me and other guys who are often away from their desktop PC's. You know, character size, text input and editing and similar stuff specific to mobile users. :)
  4. permagne
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    permagne Junior Member

    I just want to bump the subject of mobile devices. Just to show some interest to justify the work needed make this happen.

    I really like to see boatdesign available on tapatalk.


    Thanks for a good forum.
  5. Newhill
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    Newhill Junior Member

    Agrees with the previous post. This excellent forum should be available on tapatalk or similar. Is that project closed?
  6. Palmeroni
    Joined: Aug 2018
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    Palmeroni Junior Member

    this is a subject i have some experience in , for around $60 dollors you could get a Android and ios version of this forum , if you use someones app account (this cost 100- 150 per year )

    I would gladly help out here if needed to pay back for all the questions i will be asking over the coming months :)
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