BoatCadCam is now free

Discussion in 'Software' started by John Goldman, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. John Goldman
    Joined: Feb 2021
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    John Goldman Junior Member

    I have just set up Boatcad full version on its own website for free use, no adverts.
    It is simple to use, boat builder friendly and comprehensive.
    It will run in most browsers on any device with a keyboard attached.
    Automatically generates stability tables and graphs, and surface development.
    No pull-down menus, all instructions onscreen, no learning curve.
    Outputs DXF(2D and 3D), TXT, IGES, and HP plotter files.
    My best wishes to all boat builders, marine archaeologists and naval architects.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What format are the values to enter?
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Thanks for this John - it looks interesting.
    It reminds me of a DOS program called Plyboats which I used in the late 90's, and which I liked a lot.
  4. John Goldman
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    John Goldman Junior Member

    For a new design start from "NONAME.BOF" in BOAT LINE.
    Otherwise start from an existing design, modify it and give it a new name.
    I have put a few offset files to show what can be done.
    Anything you design can be downloaded as offsets in both text format and visually in 3d dxf or IGES. Your offset files should remain in your browser cache.
    F1 key will explain what to do for each of the programs on the start page.
    Will Gilmore likes this.
  5. John Goldman
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    John Goldman Junior Member

    Yes it is similar vintage but more comprehensive. Enjoy.
  6. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Interesting. I'll have to play with it a bit. Can it import existing designs in dxf format?
  7. John Goldman
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    John Goldman Junior Member

    No, it doesn't import, it only exports.
    However, you can type in your offsets into the offsets table in the Boat Design module.
    The suite of programs were written for boat builders, not draughtsmen.
    The idea is to output files into a cad program (or word processor) for presentation purposes.
    If there is sufficient interest I will make the software downloadable.
    It runs much faster in dos or windows.
    Some browsers may have problems emulating dos keyboard input.
    I have been running it on an Android tablet where Chrome seems to work best.
    Will Gilmore likes this.
  8. John Goldman
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    John Goldman Junior Member

    I have updated the boatcad website to make the software downloadable.
    Also included a few archaeologically interesting boats.
    Mikko Brummer and pafurijaz like this.
  9. Paul Fisher
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    Paul Fisher New Member

    Hi John, I have used Boat CADcam for many years and still use it in its original DOS version on an ancient PC running Windows 95. I see you now have a more up todate version which I would love to use on my laptop with the several hundred .off files I have created over the years - could you let me know how I can do this. Contact email is Many thanks
  10. Kayakmarathon
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    Kayakmarathon Senior Member

    I just tried the web version. It was very intuitive and graphically interactive. Limiting the user to a 4x4 Bezier/NURBS surface really simplifies what the user is looking at.
  11. John Goldman
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    John Goldman Junior Member

    Glad you find it useful. It was created to be as user friendly and intuitive as possible, and with ingenuity can be made to do almost anything!

  12. Tallseek
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    Tallseek Junior Member

    I see it is downloadable which is great. Is there a way it will run after unzipped on Windows 10 or no?
    Do have a really old laptop which can dedicate to DOS if or another operating system.
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