Boatbuilding Live! -- Southampton, UK

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by CarlC, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. CarlC
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    CarlC Junior Member

  2. Soggyhull
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    Soggyhull Junior Member

    Looks like a cool event. Maybe mention a little about what it is in your initial post though. I thought it was going to be a live stream.
  3. CarlC
    Joined: Aug 2009
    Posts: 46
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    CarlC Junior Member

    Thanks, Soggy. No, the "live" part refers to boatbuilding demonstrations.

    Here's our current list of speakers:

    Nigel Calder
    Lorne Campbell
    Andy Claughton
    Paul Harder Cohen
    Steve D'Antonio
    Teun de Vries
    Ed Findon
    Jack Ross Gifford
    Nigel Irens
    David Johnson
    Udo Kleinitz
    Mark Mills
    Roby Scalvini
    Charlotte Schiffer
    Julian Smith
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