Boatbuilding job wanted!

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Manmade, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Manmade
    Joined: Apr 2009
    Posts: 4
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    Location: Isle of Man

    Manmade New Member

    Hi, was wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm looking for employment opportunities as a traditional wooden boatbuilder, particularly intrested in traditional clinker/ lapstrake construction, and the repair/ restoration of wooden boats. Preferably in the UK or Europe, but anywhere considered.

    I have completed a years degree course at the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding, in traditional small craft, in WA USA(06-07) . I also have 12 years experience as a cabinet maker and joiner.

    Thanks alot, look forward to hearing anything!

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