1. The Marketplace Forums can be useful for members who know one another well from forum discussions and offline communications and wish to post boatbuilding tools, drafting tools, molds and tooling, and other professional equipment for sale or trade. However, caution and good judgement should always be used. Especially when considering any business with anyone not already well known to you and trusted, due diligence must be used to confirm details and identity and be sure the transaction is safe before any money or property changes hands. Always use good judgement and perform due dilligence and follow these guidelines.

Boatbuilders ; Looking for a manufacturing partner?

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by KD8NPB, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. KD8NPB
    Joined: Mar 2018
    Posts: 163
    Likes: 39, Points: 28
    Location: South Carolina

    KD8NPB Senior Member

    We are an industrial composites manufacturer specializing in B2B production work located near Charleston, South Carolina, United States of America.

    We are seeking long term manufacturing partners (not just customers!) to help fill our new-to-us 200,000 sqft facility.

    Hatches, consoles, inserts, or complete boats, we can handle it all.

    We are comfortable processing composite projects up to almost any size our facility can hold. We are familiar with all aspects of marine transportation projects from canoes to yachts. Our staff excels at volume production of complete boats from 20 ft (6m) to 40 ft (12m), and can also handle specialized projects such as SOLAS compliant vessels, ISO/CE compliance, or RHIBs.

    European builders seeking US production, look no further. Are you purchasing from Matrasur Composites? Büfa? Gazechim? We are probably intimately familiar with your production practices & materials, and we can seamlessly integrate them for US based production so you can avoid costly freight & tariffs while improving your bottom line.

    Contact information is here;

    Open mold (spray up or hand lay)
    Vacuum infusion (reusable silicone possible!)
    RTM light
    Polyester casting
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