Boat Yacht Hull Shape Design Math, Hydrostatics Design Math

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by MtUmut Sarac, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. MtUmut Sarac
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    MtUmut Sarac Junior Member

    Boat yacht hull shape math , boat yacht hull design math and boat yacht hydrostatics math in one file from long gone site , this is fair share , i m not selling this pdf file. I could not find better , if there is let someone add here.

    Mustafa Umut Sarac

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  2. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    I believe the PDF you posted was from Tom Speer. He was always a great wealth of information and interesting posts on the forum here.
  3. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

  4. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

  5. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    This is the basis of Leo's Michlet and Godzilla programs.
  6. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

  7. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    It should be important to mention that Shor's referenced paper does not actually calculate the lines, but rather indicates where the lines could be improved. Like most dipole (source/sink) methods, there is a huge amount of fitting necessary to optimize a real hull. This is from someone who has had to do that type of fitting. There are later methods to automate this tedious work, but individual point correction is still needed to accurately model the hull by this method. Like I said in the other thread on mathematical ships lines, there is no one 'magic' program.
  8. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    It may be that I'm not understanding clearly what the question is - but allow me to suggest there are people & companies who have been working in this area.

    One is Friendship Systems of Germany: FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG › FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG

    An American I sat down and had a cup of coffee with last week is Steve Hollister of NEWAVESYS Home Page

    There's a 5th edition out of Principles of Yacht Design at Principles of Yacht Design

    There are also papers by Carl Scragg I could recommend. What you really need to know is: what speed/length ratio (or length Froude number) are you optimizing for?
  9. tropostudio
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    tropostudio Senior Member

    Speer's method seems straightforward. Conic sections and continuity conditions applied to tank-tested x-sectional area distributions. He was a multihull aficionado - sailing trimarans in particular. He wrote a great paper on heeled stability - not just transverse, but diagonal as well. Mix two realms (optimal static configuration at a fixed velocity vs variable pitch/yaw/roll, variable velocity, and sea-state) ought to wreak havoc on any numbers.

    @Stephen Ditmore - Stephen Hollister is incredibly gifted and generous with his knowledge. I think Pro-Surf is an under-recognized NURBS surface modeling, fairing, and hydrostatics program. It always included developable plate capability without costing an additional arm and leg. May I ask if your conversation with him brought up optimization criteria? I don't think that is a component of any ProSurf version.
  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Mustafa ~ have you been able to build or find the means to buy a boat? Just a friendly question..
  11. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    We discussed the problem of getting TRIMMED NURBS surfaces to compile properly as CFD models.

  12. Remmlinger
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    Remmlinger engineer

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