Boat plans change from outboards to inboards, what work needs to be done?

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by xellz, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. xellz
    Joined: Jul 2017
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    xellz Senior Member

    I'm still only researching for the project, a 30ft electric catamaran. Nothing has been bought yet.

    Currently the most fitting hull for me i could find is Sailing Catamarans - Jazz 30 fishing, day charter or cruising but it was designed with outboards in mind. My focus is on electric propulsion, i.e. space should not be a problem. I'm trying to make a list of pros and cons for outboards vs inboards. I've contacted designer of the boat, seems inboard engines could be used. But i don't know about what work has to be done to make it work properly. Where to start and how much more it will cost compared to electric outboards.

    Anyone can point me in right direction or share their own experience?
  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    So, you have a source for 20 HP electric motors? Maybe pricing these puppies up (Torqeedo's will be $9,000 each) might have you looking elsewhere. The designer would be your first choice for these types of modifications.
  3. xellz
    Joined: Jul 2017
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    xellz Senior Member

    I'm thinking more in range of 10-12kw motors right now. Don't really need top speed of 16knots, most of time 6-7 knots and for short periods of time ~12knots. I've got some real use data from boat designer on hp / speed. First choice will be brushless electric motors that fits my needs from local suppliers. Torqeedos sure are way too expensive even for complete and dedicated system for marine applications, there are quite a bit cheaper solutions with controllers, shafts and sealed motors. Though still on the expensive side. In worst case could go either with brushed Lynch motors, that cost about 1-1.500 usd each or some of chinese brushless motors from large company with decent reviews. But i think in Japan should be possible to find suitable motors from local suppliers.

    What i would like to do here is get a rough idea on what work have to do and parts necessary apart from engine itself. Like ruder, shaft, bearings etc. check on prices. Understand inboard installation process a bit myself before i even start questioning boat designer.
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