Boat identification help

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by helgman, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. helgman
    Joined: Aug 2019
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    helgman New Member

    I have recently come upon an older boat with no paperwork or apparent HIN. The best that I can come up with is a 1960ish Texas Maid 16 ft Bahama. Not much information out there about Texas Maid boats.

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  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Interesting old thing, what does it say on the plate on the side deck ? I think you are right, could be 60 years old, and the outboard also looks of that vintage. There are websites devoted to vintage glass boats.
  3. helgman
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    helgman New Member

    Thanx for your response
    The only thing that it says anywhere is the Texas Maid plate up to 60hp and 5 persons. There is a number stamped in the trim on the transom. The motor is a 1969. The floor and transom are very sturdy for a boat this old. Would love to find some other websites everything is original except the gas tank. 1969 Johnson super seahorse 40. Original tilt trailer.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    And the mushroom pink gelcoat, love it !
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

  6. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Good find, Ike.

  7. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    Fiberglassics has a extensive library on boat manufacturers of Fiberglass, Aluminum and wood boats mostly prior to 1970. Anyone renovating or restoring an old classic motorboat should use it as a good reference. There are folks on their forum who collect and restore old classic boats and have lots of experience with not just the boats but also old outboards and inboard engines. They helped me with my 1972 Sea Ray, to find parts and equipment.
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