Boat floor

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Tom buck, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. Tom buck
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Tom buck New Member

    Good morning,
    Just joined the forum as need advice ,
    I have been using small fishing boats for 20 years or more but don’t know a lot about there actual build etc .
    I have recently got hold of a smaller one for single use etc
    It is GRP , it has a floor void in it with three plugs .
    I washed the boat out the other day and this void filled with water ?
    What is the point of the void Please ?
    I can only imagine the water got in from two pieces Of wood the cross the deck ?
    Or is this void for water ?? Any ideas please ?
    I need to make it water tight .
    Thanks in advance
  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Good morning.
    Please show us some photos so we will better understand the problem.
    What is the make and model?

    Welcome to the forum.
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Hello Tom - a photo is worth a thousand words, so if you could post a photo (or two) that would help a lot.

    I am a bit baffled by your description above, and I think that Hoyte is as well.
  4. Tom buck
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Tom buck New Member

    B8F48A46-1F20-47BA-9E8D-351E85D6C353.jpeg 17C4C4C3-0762-4C9A-A1DC-863FB641AB3A.jpeg 17C4C4C3-0762-4C9A-A1DC-863FB641AB3A.jpeg 9F069785-2999-4988-92A3-C055D068A31D.jpeg ED83DBC2-8A5A-4A87-AEE4-F6124808FC65.jpeg 6721503A-9B35-41B8-95D2-0C38BE090243.jpeg 6721503A-9B35-41B8-95D2-0C38BE090243.jpeg 6721503A-9B35-41B8-95D2-0C38BE090243.jpeg ED83DBC2-8A5A-4A87-AEE4-F6124808FC65.jpeg 6721503A-9B35-41B8-95D2-0C38BE090243.jpeg Thanks
    Here is some photos
  5. hoytedow
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I am surprised there is no bilge drain on the transom. I have never seen bungholes like those placed in that manner. Have you any documentation of the boat's origin or manufacturer?
  6. Tom buck
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    Tom buck New Member

    There is a bung hole in the bottom corner that drains the Boat deck out .
    Those bungs in the picture are for this chamber below the deck .
    I intend to make sure it stays dry by sealing the wood on the deck .
    But still can’t figure out why it’s there ?
    Thanks it’s an old boat .
  7. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I am still rather baffled - are the two bung holes in the top photo draining overboard through the hull bottom? Are they along the centreline of the boat?
    Do you have a photo showing the hull interior from above, including the 'chamber' below the deck?
    (What is this chamber used for?)
    What wood will you be sealing on deck - does this include the section of bare timber shown in a couple of the photos above?

    The hull looks like it was built using a mould taken from a traditional clinker / lapstrake timber rowing boat.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  8. Tom buck
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    Tom buck New Member

    The two pieces of timber are screwed to the deck of the boat
    which is where I think the leak is as to water going in the chamber .

    . No there is one hole That goes through the hull to allow the boat to be washed out .
    The other three bung holes are in to the chamber .
  9. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    I bet a former owner installed a live well circulation system. Those are it's inlet and exhaust ports.
    hoytedow and fallguy like this.
  10. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It is difficult to tell by the photos if the bung holes are in a vertical or horizontal surface. Is it at the bottom of the bulkhead on the forward tank?

  11. hoytedow
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I would not seal it too tightly. Changes in temperature and pressure could cause structural fatigue leading to a leak in some inconvenient place.
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