Boat Design help

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Kailem, Mar 9, 2023.

  1. Kailem
    Joined: Mar 2023
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    Kailem New Member

    I’m currently a student and I’m doing a project on creating a 3D boat that is loosely based on the America’s cup, I’m thinking of using a trimaran design for my boat but I’m not too sure and would look some input on the best type.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Kailem.

    Can you elaborate a bit more please about your project?
    Are you looking for the 'best type' of trimaran to use for your America's Cup design?
  3. Kailem
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    Kailem New Member

    The project will be 3d printed and loosely based on the americas cup, we’ve got a size limit of 1m and have pretty much free range to do what we want we have sails provided to us unless we want to get our own, I’m just looking for advice on if a trimaran would be hull design for my project or would it be better for a different design ?
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Are you doing the Yacht & Boat Design course at Southampton Solent University?
    I remember years ago the course leader Giles would set a project like this for his students each year.
    Are you trying to choose between a monohull, a catamaran and a trimaran?
    What does the 'Statement of Requirements' say for this project, apart from the 1 metre size limit re length (I presume there is no limit re beam?)?
    Do you then have to 'race' your models on the lake once they are all built?
  5. Kailem
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    Kailem New Member

    It is not Southampton university, I’ve not looked at many hull designs outside of the 3 you listed, the only requirements are 1m length and that’s all I’m aware of, and we will race the boat against other students
  6. willy13
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    willy13 Senior Member

    Since there will not be a simple answers on the "best" hull type, I would use what you consider to be the sexiest hull type.:)
  7. Kailem
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    Kailem New Member

    Yh the only one that caught my eye atm is a Trimaran

  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Unless you know what the operating conditions will be, it is impossible to decide what is the best type. For example, if this is a down wind race like a mini-transat, a scow monohull could be ideal.
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