Boat design for sale or investor needed to start production

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by TOMMIC, Apr 8, 2024.

    Joined: Apr 2024
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    TOMMIC New Member

    Hello everybody, I'd like to introduce my project and will be happy to send more information if anybody interested in production in EU or outside,

    Center console, open 22ft, 8pers.
    Design ready for molds production,
    Best for 1 day cruising, rentals, fishing, water sports

    This boat design is for sale for any individual passionate, for investor who would like to start production and sales with me in EU, or I will consider selling license for production to any company interested worldwide.
    contact via mail:
    or whatsup: 0048501577651

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  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Tomasz.

    You are certainly trying to enter a very competitive field here - there are so many builders of centre console boats like yours, especially in the USA.

    What makes your boat different from the rest, what makes it stand out, what unique features does it have which other boats don't have?
    kapnD, Will Gilmore and BlueBell like this.
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    TOMMIC New Member

    Hi, about the market, yes US is full of CCs mostly fishing boats , but mine is not a fishing boat with low sides, its safer more spacious inside, wide with sundecks front and back , with such a width and length the space under console with toilet is also very rare.
    If you look at design , boat is more sport crousing, leisure like boat rather than fishing.
    Features depending on quipment may vary and is individual matter.
    For EU market for mediterranean sea its very competitive boat that suits present client needs.
  4. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Tom do you have video of sea trials please?
    BlueBell likes this.
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Hi Tom, your design is very interesting, with large spaces, as you say. From those points of view, I can only congratulate you.
    However, there are some issues that I want to address:
    1.- Deducing from the mLDC the weight of the 8 people and their equipment, the weight of the engine and the fuel, only a light ship weight of 435 kg remains, which seems very low for a boat over 6 m in length.
    2.- The freeboard aft is very low, so the downflooding angle will be very small. This leads me to think that the boat will have serious problems meeting ISO 12217-1 standards (chapter 6). What design category are you aiming to achieve?
    Thank you for your answers.
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    TOMMIC New Member

    hi, thanks:)
    1) i think you miscalculated weights as the boat itself ( jus the laminate) will be ca. 860 kg.
    2) the boat is designed to be cerified for C coastal and pass ISO standards, in case of any issues with stability it is possible to add buoyancy on the sides
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Hi @TOMMIC, answering your points :
    point 1). If I have made a mistake, which I do not rule out, please tell me where I have done it. I do the following calculation:
    - weight of 8 people (at 75 kg each) = 600 kg
    - belongings of the 8 people = 80 kg. If you prefer, I will forget this concept.
    - engine weight = 1070 kg (according to your data). The truth is that I don't know what the mLCC W/O that you indicate is.
    - weight of the 150 l of fuel = 120 kg
    - mLDC, according to your data = 2305
    - light ship = 2305 - 120 - 1070 - 600 = 515 kg​
    Point 2). In my opinion you should be able already at this point to categorically state and demonstrate, if anyone asks, that the boat complies with ISO 12217-1. When looking for investors or partners, you must be sure that the ship is viable as it is. But that is just an opinion.
    All the best.
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    TOMMIC New Member

    1) mlcc=displacment empty- weight of th boat with standard equipment no fuel, no water, no engine,
    weight of the engine 200hp +/- 280kg
    2) its clear, in case of need to certification for more than 8+ more displacement will be needed,

    hi, there is no boat produced yet
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    You, may be, mean mLC?
    I'm sorry but I still think the boat will hardly comply with chapter 6 for 8 passengers. Of course it is a simple impression, based on my experience with boats of similar size, since I have not done any calculations. It would be wise to check whether I am right or not.
  10. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Hi @TOMMIC ,

    Congratulations on the design. It looks great!

    As I have read, you would like to enter the EU market with this boat. While some mentions have been made regarding ISO 12217, I would like to expand on the Certification and Homologation process in the EU.

    If you want to place the boat in the European market, you must obtain the CE Certification. For that, you must first comply with the European Recreational Craft Directive 2013/53/UE (a.k.a. RCDII or RCD2), which defines in Annex 1 the Essential Requirements the craft must meet. You can find the text of the directive here: Directive - 2013/53 - EN - EUR-Lex

    The Essential Requirements defined are related to what a craft must comply with based on its design category: A, B, C, or D. These design categories have been defined based on the wave and wind conditions the craft may face during its operation.

    One way of meeting the Essential Requirements (although it is not the only one, it is strongly recommended) is to follow the harmonized standards. These standards are technical specifications that effectively promote good technical practice and solutions. However, it is also important to know that the harmonized standards are of voluntary application.

    The term harmonized standard refers to a standard developed at the European Commission's request for the application of Union legislation (in this case, the RCD 2013/53/UE). In other words, the European Commission adopts standards for covering the essential requirements defined in the RCD 2013/53/UE.

    When a harmonized standard is published in the Official Journey of the European Union (OJEU), it provides the presumption of conformity with the essential requirement it aims to cover. If a builder fully complies with a harmonized standard published on the OJEU, this builder is presumed compliant with the essential requirement the standard targets. In other words, the builder has fully demonstrated the conformity of its product on that point. This is important because if the builder decides not to follow the harmonized standards, he/she will have to work harder to prove conformity.

    A harmonized standard may contain specifications related not only to essential requirements (one or more) but also to other non-regulated issues. The link between harmonized standards and the RCD 2013/53/UE is always included in the annex Za of the harmonized standard. In this annex, the essential requirements the standard covers and what part of the standard does so are indicated.

    The RCD 2013/53/UE defines three types of essential requirements:
    A. Essential requirements for the design and construction of products
    B. Essential requirements for exhaust emissions from propulsion engines
    C. Essential requirements for noise emissions

    The first group, A, is divided into four main topics:
    • General: traceability and the end user information protection
    • Integrity and structural requirements
    • Handling characteristics
    • Installation and system requirements
    The topic "Integrity and structural requirements" deals with two very important points: scantling and stability.

    The main relevant harmonized standard dealing with scantling is the ISO 12215 (Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings), which has ten different parts. But there is also the ISO 12216 (Small craft - Windows, portlights, hatches, deadlights, and doors - Strength and watertightness requirements) and also the ISO 6185 for inflatable boats (four parts).

    The main relevant harmonized standard dealing with stability and freeboard, buoyancy and flotation is the ISO 12217 (Small craft - Stability and bouyancy assessment and categorization) which has three parts. For inflatable boats, there is the ISO 6185.

    If interested, we have the following online courses (worth taking a look):
    The Boat CE Certification & Homologation course covers the RCD 2013/53/UE: context, intention, essential requirements, harmonized standards, conformity assessment, non-conformity, notified bodies, certification process, technical documentation, market surveillance, etc.

    The course on ISO 12217 currently covers part 2, Sailing boats. However, we are working, either as a stand-alone course or as an expansion to the current one, on new lessons on ISO 12217-1 (motorboats). By the way, we are also working on a second course on ISO 12215, which will feature new materials and craft architectures.

    I hope this helps!
    Last edited: May 5, 2024
    bajansailor likes this.

  11. yoolwinmarine
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    yoolwinmarine New Member

    We produce both fiberglass rib boat and aluminum rib boat.
    Mainly for Europe market. Yes, each boat demand CE/DOC document.
    Have strict demand for boat testing when make the CE certificate.
    Tube/ hull/ fuel tank all should pass the certificate.
    If you want to know more I can send you certificate copy.
    Also check our website for boat models and details.
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