Boat Cleaner

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Mau Marine, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. Mau Marine
    Joined: Mar 2022
    Posts: 3
    Likes: 0, Points: 1
    Location: 1400 Gordon Drive, Okoboji, IA 51355

    Mau Marine New Member

    Job Description

    Mau Marine Boat Cleaners work closely with our service department staff and are expected to provide exceptional customer service while promoting a fun and professional environment. As a boat cleaner, your job is to wash and perform boat detailing, including cleaning and polishing, in preparation for boat storage.


    The following responsibilities will be expected of this position:

    • Wash and perform boat detailing
    • Assisting with Mau Marine and Okoboji Store events as needed
    • Other duties as decided by management

    Applicants must possess the following qualifications:

    • Excellent communication and customer service skills
    • Ability to perform tasks quickly and effectively
    • Possess a strong work ethic
    • Ability to work 5-6 days a week including summer holidays (Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day)
    Apply Here

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