Boat CE Certification & Homologation (Recreational Craft Directive 2013/53/UE)

Discussion in 'Education' started by Pablo Sopelana, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. Pablo Sopelana
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Welcome to the Boat CE Certification & Homologation course!

    Boat CE Certification & Homologation

    In the European Union (EU) and many other countries and regions worldwide, with some exceptions, a boat must be officially certified through a homologation process before it can be placed on the market or put into service. However, this process of homologating and certifying a boat is often not very well known, sometimes leading to frustration and loss of time and money.

    Homologation is the process during which a product is certified to comply with a given legislation. The certification declares a product is compliant with it and is issued at the end of the homologation process. In this course, we explain the process of homologating and certifying a boat in the EU in a clear, concise, and appealing way. The course is intended for:

    • Boat manufacturers, authorized representatives, importers, and distributors.
    • Private boat importers, persons who modify or convert boats, and individuals who build a boat for their own use.
    • Persons who are not part of any of the groups mentioned before and who are interested in learning how to homologate and certify a boat in the European Union.
    This course explains how to homologate and certify (CE marking) a boat in the European Union (EU).

    It covers the European Recreational Craft Directive 2013/53/UE, a.k.a. RCDII or RCD2, including the legislator’s context and intention, and focuses on the key elements to obtain a boat’s CE marking.

    The course is divided into five parts:

    • The first part presents the European Recreational Craft Directive (RCD), its origin, how it works, and its intention.
    • Part 2 describes the essential requirements of the RCD: what they are and how to meet them.
    • In Part 3, we are going further about the certification process, the actors, and the tools used.
    • Part 4 is devoted to the documentation requested by the directive: what it is and what it involves.
    • Finally, part 5 addresses the subject of market surveillance, how states are involved, and their role.
    The course combines the explanations with practical and real-life examples.

    By completing this course, you will be able to understand and carry out a boat certification in the European Union. Speaking more precisely, you will:

    • Understand how the European certification and Directive work.
    • Understand the essential requirements, their role, and how to comply.
    • Know the standards, their origin, how they are made, and how to use them effectively.
    • Create, consolidate, and complete a technical boat certification file.
    • Carry out a boat certification efficiently, knowing the obligations that concern you.

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
    Will Gilmore likes this.
  2. Pablo Sopelana
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Some updates about this course:

    After a thorough evaluation, the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) has found that the Boat CE Certification & Homologation course meets the institution's requirements for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Therefore, RINA has considered that the course warrants recognition and has issued a Certificate of Endorsement.

    During the evaluation, RINA studied different aspects of the course, such as learning aims, content and structure, whether the information is up-to-date and factually correct, students’ evaluations of the course, the supporting information and materials, the instructor’s expertise, the method by which the students are evaluated, and Navalapp’s organization standards.

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