Boat building technology applied to cymbals to boatbuilding again

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mustafaumu sarac, Nov 13, 2021.

  1. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    My hobby is drum cymbals and found an interesting idea to be applied to them where idea comes from boatbuilding and goes to the boatbuilding again.

    My question is two FRP Layers and the soft core idea.

    If we put these 3 layers together , total strenght is equal to total thickness of that composite made from single FRP layer ??? Is it true ?

    I thought if I thickly electroplate outer and inner of 1 mm thick aluminum by original zildjian cymbal ,
    Does the material becomes 1 mm thick zildjian alloy mechanically ?

    Lets talk about boats

    If I electroplate boat building aluminum by steel , does 3 layers becomes steel mechanically ?


  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    haha, and I fear you may be serious ! The idea of the sandwich is to get stiffness, "strength" in terms of say tensile strength, does not increase much
  3. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    How that stiffness of bronze electroplated aluminum effect the final cymbal ? or sandwiched steel electroplated aluminum ?

    Could you please explain to cymbals ? What would be the resulting composite character ?
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    If micro coatings could increase the strength of metal, you've have heard about it.
  5. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I have never heard such a thing but If we compare aluminum outer layer plus frp inner core wing sandwich of a380 airbus, outer layer gives the impact resistance , inner layer gives the flexibility.
    I think same could apply.

    I dont know if the phase or crystal nature could be changed of bronze or steel plating by heat or intense short high amper ?

    Several layers of different platings or different patterns of different platings could be used.
  6. SolGato
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    SolGato Senior Member

    As a former professional drummer, may I ask what you are looking to try to accomplish?

    Are you trying to create more strength using a mix of materials by way of a finishing process?

    Wouldn't tempering be the best way to create strength?

    I think plating would cause a serious tonal change much like applying a heavy finish to the body of a guitar.
  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I think he is thinking about what a "sandwich" of different metals would bring. I would probably bring a lot of problems, like corrosion !
  8. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I think Mr Efficiency got the point , this thick coatings and surface patterns adds more variables to the construction of cymbals. You can modal analysis of the cymbal to the lowest note and tonal replicate an other cymbal. At optics higher the number of surfaces , you have more control of the whole errors. Modal analysis have been done at violins to replicate the strads and guarneris. Lowest note shapes the all upper notes and its the only way to make tonal coopies.
    Think a neck through guitar with multiple woods and coatings , this is it. You can use varnish to control the tone , different flexibilities , gives out different sounds. Higher density means higher notes , lower densities means more bassy tones , lower the surface coating than the core , means loss of sound but this can be good.

    Think a cymbal with lots of high harsh partials ,all you need lower density pattern.

    And a cymbal with one half with german silver , one part is copper coating , you would have two cymbals or more than that.

  9. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    "German Silver" is something rarely heard about, it was once used as a cheap substitute for chrome plating I think, it does not contain silver.

  10. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    German Silver is replaced corroding real high grade silver with copper , nickel and zinc alloy. It does not corrode . After years of use , its been replaced by chrome plating , lot cheaper. 1906 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost are made from thick german silver plates, still shining as first day , price is 30 million dollars.
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