Boat building regulations in the UK

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by hardguy007, Jul 13, 2023.

  1. hardguy007
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    hardguy007 Junior Member

    Specifically for the UK, what is the minimum requirements for being able to mould, build and sell a small craft with an outboard?

    Is it a long drawn out costly process? If it is, then that scuppers the idea.

    I’d like to build a few small 16ft rowing boats and sell them on as a hobby basically.

    I seem to remember that if there sold as a kit then there’s no regulations apply however I could be very wrong. The problem with this is that I probably couldn’t sell them onto fisheries for example. If I am correct here, and can sell to the private individual, what would constitute a kit? Could a kit be classed as a boat completed without the stainless fittings?

    Ideally, I’d like to be able to fit a UKCA plate on them but I’ve a feeling it wouldn’t be a simple process.

    Any guidance welcome.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Everything that you need to know should be covered here in the RCD -
    Recreational Craft Regulations 2017: Great Britain

    Re your 'small 16' rowing boats', will they be your design?
    If it is your design, are you at liberty to share even a rough sketch?
    Bear in mind that if you are going to produce them from a mould, you will effectively have to build two boats first, in the form of the plug and the mould, before you can build the first boat.
    Have you done any market research to see if there is going to be a demand for your boats - this is a very competitive field to try to break into. Will your boats have advantages over what is currently available?
    DogCavalry and Ad Hoc like this.
  3. hardguy007
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    hardguy007 Junior Member

    No, it’s a mould I’ve bought - image of the finished boat attached hopefully. There is paperwork with it but I’ve not seen it yet so may be helpful. Honestly I don’t expect a big demand but as I said it’s really only a hobby.

    I have seen the recreational craft regs but I was really hoping someone could give me the basics of what’s needed to see if this is viable.

    Attached Files:

  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I did a 'typical' search on Apollo Duck for small (14' - 18') fishing boats for sale in the UK - and a very motley collection of boats came up in my search.
    You will be competing against many secondhand boats in good condition, and they will invariably have asking prices that are MUCH less than what you will have to sell your boats for, even if your only intention is to break even on material costs, and not factor in the cost of your labour.
    Fishing boats for sale, used fishing boats, new fishing boat sales, free photo ads - Apollo Duck

    Read through the RCD carefully - there is a LOT of info there! You will have to decide if you can make it viable, or not.

    You could also try asking your question on the YBW Forum in Britain - there are folk on this Forum with considerable experience of the RCD, and I am sure that you will receive sound and pragmatic advice there.
    Practical Boat Owner's Reader to Reader

    Edit - re the mould that you have bought - is this the mould mentioned in this thread 2 years ago?
    17ft clinker layup
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
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  5. hardguy007
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    hardguy007 Junior Member

    No, the other mould was in terrible shape so didn’t go through with it. Yes there is an array of boats available I was thinking there may be a small market for a new boat. There is a market for used boats but I do think there is a market for the people with deep pockets who just want a new boat and don’t want the hassle of buying a used one with years of mods and add-ones and holes drilled everywhere. Costs wise £1000 will easily build it so if it works out or doesn’t it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Thanks for the tip of the ybw forums, I’ll pop over there now. It’s the type of question that a 5 or 10 minute phone call with the right person would sort. I think there is a loophole of sorts via the kit form but equally a finished, plated hull would be preferred.
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  6. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    RCD became the nightmare of the small individua l builder and small yards. Unless Brexit means the UK is pulling all the RCD rules, but i think that is unlikely. Only exempt boats were those under 2.5 metres and those designed before 1950, or designed specifically for racing.. Home build boats are also exempt, but you can not sell them on the open market until 5 years after completion and put into use. You are going to struggle competing with "plated and compliant" from Poland. The British Marine Federation will be able to help you. Selling completed boats for the commercial market is another big step up with testing and build certification.
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  7. keith66
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    keith66 Senior Member

    I ran a small boatbuilding business in the south east of England, I started in 79 & went self employed in 84, Did quite a bit of wooden boat restoration & grp production work including a lot of repairs. I was one of the founder members of the WBTA which started at the Wooden boat show at Greenwhich.
    Basically the RCD ruined the UK boatbuilding industry. It was set up to favour large volume manufacturers & small outfits could not compete.
    It was voluntary for a while but once it became compulsory the industry was fubared.
    I packed it in in 98 then restarted in 2008 aiming at a niche market of rowing boats. Did ok for a few years then overheads on workshop killed it.
    Do you have anywhere to do your project? GRP moulding? If so can you heat it? If you cant you lose many months of the year cos its too cold.
    Can you put up with the smell of the resin etc? Can your neighbours put up with it!
    It is over 2.5 m & is a production boat or capable of being so cos its out of a mould, Therefore it has to comply with the detested RCD or whatever our lords & master call its identical replacement. Kit boats still have to comply.
    I was looking at putting a 17ft rowing skiff through the RCD, I needed at least 4 ISo standards at 150 euros each, then a manual to tell me how to apply them at 450 euros. The whole lot of double sided a4 was about two & a half inches thick. In the end i gave up & didnt bother.
    As for the British marine industries federation, they will help you if you join, Min cost for the most basic package is £286 plus vat per year, or more if you are rich!
    In this day & age nobody has money to buy a new boat like that & certainly wont from a bloke working out of his shed as a hobby.
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