Boat building project in Sri Lanka

Discussion in 'Post-Tsunami' started by gamage, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. davidjgray
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    davidjgray David Gray

    Hi Chaps

    An update from Ace Marine - we have been working in collaboration with Jordan Boats, and manufacturer of plywood kit boats. We are moving to prototype stage on a small and simple to construct plywood kit boat, capable of carrying up to 14 people or 1 tonne of cargo. It may be powered by outboard or paddles.
    The idea is to supply the vessels in flat pack form. All tools, glues, screws, and paints are supplied. All parts are pre-cut to the exact size, and the vessel can be completed within two days. We think the cost will be around $2000 per kit. Instructions will be in pictogram form. (think IKEA). The design meets RCD, ISO and MCA standards.

    We would be happy to receive comments or notes of interest.


    David Gray
  2. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    Hi, if you are on location, SL , Aceh Banda or Phuket, can you tell us if you have seen any new boats delivered yet?
  3. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    Pangas from Rainforest Boats

    Hi D'ARTOIS,
    still no resonse from Rainforest Boats, amazing isn't it!

    I'm surprised and disappointed, but will remember Rainforest if friends need a new Panga......... not! :)

    They could have helped and made a profit but seem to lazy to bother replying to ANY emails.

    Oh well, maybe more luck with the guys at Explorer, Malaysia.
  4. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    Why not just any fishing boat will do
    21 February 2005, Rome - Donations of fishing equipment intended to help tsunami-affected countries rebuild their fisheries sectors could cause problems, rather than alleviate them, if they are not carefully matched to local conditions and need, says FAO.

    "Our past experience in emergency situations is that duplicated assistance and inappropriate gifts, no matter how well-intended, can actually impede relief and rehabilitation efforts," notes the Organization's Fisheries Department on its website.

    How donated gear can be a burden

    Fishers in the region affected by the tsunami, like those elsewhere, use gear that is spe******ed to match local fish stocks, sea conditions and customs -- and equipment donated from overseas may not match their requirements.

    Donated nets could easily be the wrong size, too heavy, or of the wrong mesh gauge. At the same time, repairs to gear not common to a region will be virtually impossible due to unfamiliarity with the equipment and a lack of replacement parts.

    Similar considerations should be kept in mind regarding donations related to ice plants, refrigeration and fish processing. Here the appropriateness of the technology to local conditions and the availability of repair expertise and spare parts are crucial.

    "Unfortunately it's not a worst case scenario that donated gear is of no use -- it's a common scenario," Ross Shotton, a Senior Fishery Resource Officer at FAO, explains.

    The burden that such inadvertently inappropriate donations can place on governments, line agencies and relief organizations can be overwhelming.

    Equipment has to be sorted upon arrival. Its exact use may not be known and it would need to be evaluated for safety and functionality and to see if it matches local standards. Repairs may be required. But authorities in many of the communities hit by the tsunami do not have the capacity to take on such work, and so donated gear would end up warehoused -- or simply thrown away.

    Not just any boat will do

    Similarly, only fishing boats that match local fishing customs, techniques and conditions will be of use.

    For example, FAO recently received an offer of wooden-hulled craft made of soft pine -- but while suitable to cold waters in the north, in the warm tropics pine hulls would quickly decay. Boats there tend to be constructed of fibreglass or hardwood.

    At the same time, FAO says that to the maximum extent possible local suppliers and craftsmen should be relied upon to reconstruct fishing fleets, while inappropriate boat and gear types could harm the environment, doing further damage to underwater habitats.

    According to Mr Shotton, those interested in helping should consider sending money --- and targeting that money to a known requirement.

    He cited one case in which a fisherman's association in Europe offered to fund the building of two boats by local craftsmen in a tsunami-affected country as an example of appropriate aid.

    "They'll be doing it in the area, so: no shipping costs, local materials would be purchased, local employment is generated, and the fisherman will be used to the sort of boat that comes along," he explained.
    edit: Let's hope they don't use timber to add to the profits of the forest Mafia.
  5. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    Duplicated post. Sorry. :(
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2005
  6. meltoninterest
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    meltoninterest New Member

    boat molds

    does anyone know who might be interested in buying a good condition mold for 60-73 boats? AJs seablaster and other boats off this mold. appraised at 1.5 m2 will sell for 30 cents on dollar and include 50 mt travel lift. located in fl. don melton at 850 525 1587
  7. meltoninterest
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    meltoninterest New Member

    we have 1.5 m2 mold for sale in fl, ...for 30 cents on the dollar. will through in 50mt travel lift. AJs blaster and many others off this mold. located in fl. don melton at 850 525 1587. thanks

  8. gamage
    Joined: Apr 2002
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    gamage Senior Member

    Pls send me detail offer to <> thks
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